

logicielcomptabilite@ ~ $
 * PemFTP - An Ftp implementation in pure PHP
 * @package PemFTP
 * @since 2.5.0
 * @version 1.0
 * @copyright Alexey Dotsenko
 * @author Alexey Dotsenko
 * @link https://www.phpclasses.org/package/1743-PHP-FTP-client-in-pure-PHP.html
 * @license LGPL https://opensource.org/licenses/lgpl-license.html

 * Defines the newline characters, if not defined already.
 * This can be redefined.
 * @since 2.5.0
 * @var string
if(!defined('CRLF')) define('CRLF',"\r\n");

 * Sets whatever to autodetect ASCII mode.
 * This can be redefined.
 * @since 2.5.0
 * @var int
if(!defined("FTP_AUTOASCII")) define("FTP_AUTOASCII", -1);

 * This can be redefined.
 * @since 2.5.0
 * @var int
if(!defined("FTP_BINARY")) define("FTP_BINARY", 1);

 * This can be redefined.
 * @since 2.5.0
 * @var int
if(!defined("FTP_ASCII")) define("FTP_ASCII", 0);

 * Whether to force FTP.
 * This can be redefined.
 * @since 2.5.0
 * @var bool
if(!defined('FTP_FORCE')) define('FTP_FORCE', true);

 * @since 2.5.0
 * @var string

 * @since 2.5.0
 * @var string

 * @since 2.5.0
 * @var string

 * PemFTP base class
class ftp_base {
	/* Public variables */
	var $LocalEcho;
	var $Verbose;
	var $OS_local;
	var $OS_remote;

	/* Private variables */
	var $_lastaction;
	var $_errors;
	var $_type;
	var $_umask;
	var $_timeout;
	var $_passive;
	var $_host;
	var $_fullhost;
	var $_port;
	var $_datahost;
	var $_dataport;
	var $_ftp_control_sock;
	var $_ftp_data_sock;
	var $_ftp_temp_sock;
	var $_ftp_buff_size;
	var $_login;
	var $_password;
	var $_connected;
	var $_ready;
	var $_code;
	var $_message;
	var $_can_restore;
	var $_port_available;
	var $_curtype;
	var $_features;

	var $_error_array;
	var $AuthorizedTransferMode;
	var $OS_FullName;
	var $_eol_code;
	var $AutoAsciiExt;

	/* Constructor */
	function __construct($port_mode=FALSE, $verb=FALSE, $le=FALSE) {
		$this->_eol_code=array(FTP_OS_Unix=>"\n", FTP_OS_Mac=>"\r", FTP_OS_Windows=>"\r\n");
		$this->AuthorizedTransferMode=array(FTP_AUTOASCII, FTP_ASCII, FTP_BINARY);
		$this->OS_FullName=array(FTP_OS_Unix => 'UNIX', FTP_OS_Windows => 'WINDOWS', FTP_OS_Mac => 'MACOS');
		$this->SendMSG("Staring FTP client class".($this->_port_available?"":" without PORT mode support"));
		if(strtoupper(substr(PHP_OS, 0, 3)) === 'WIN') $this->OS_local=FTP_OS_Windows;
		elseif(strtoupper(substr(PHP_OS, 0, 3)) === 'MAC') $this->OS_local=FTP_OS_Mac;

	function ftp_base($port_mode=FALSE) {

// <!-- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -->
// <!--       Public functions                                                                  -->
// <!-- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -->

	function parselisting($line) {
		$is_windows = ($this->OS_remote == FTP_OS_Windows);
		if ($is_windows && preg_match("/([0-9]{2})-([0-9]{2})-([0-9]{2}) +([0-9]{2}):([0-9]{2})(AM|PM) +([0-9]+|<DIR>) +(.+)/",$line,$lucifer)) {
			$b = array();
			if ($lucifer[3]<70) { $lucifer[3]+=2000; } else { $lucifer[3]+=1900; } // 4digit year fix
			$b['isdir'] = ($lucifer[7]=="<DIR>");
			if ( $b['isdir'] )
				$b['type'] = 'd';
				$b['type'] = 'f';
			$b['size'] = $lucifer[7];
			$b['month'] = $lucifer[1];
			$b['day'] = $lucifer[2];
			$b['year'] = $lucifer[3];
			$b['hour'] = $lucifer[4];
			$b['minute'] = $lucifer[5];
			$b['time'] = @mktime($lucifer[4]+(strcasecmp($lucifer[6],"PM")==0?12:0),$lucifer[5],0,$lucifer[1],$lucifer[2],$lucifer[3]);
			$b['am/pm'] = $lucifer[6];
			$b['name'] = $lucifer[8];
		} else if (!$is_windows && $lucifer=preg_split("/[ ]/",$line,9,PREG_SPLIT_NO_EMPTY)) {
			//echo $line."\n";
			if ($lcount<8) return '';
			$b = array();
			$b['isdir'] = $lucifer[0][0] === "d";
			$b['islink'] = $lucifer[0][0] === "l";
			if ( $b['isdir'] )
				$b['type'] = 'd';
			elseif ( $b['islink'] )
				$b['type'] = 'l';
				$b['type'] = 'f';
			$b['perms'] = $lucifer[0];
			$b['number'] = $lucifer[1];
			$b['owner'] = $lucifer[2];
			$b['group'] = $lucifer[3];
			$b['size'] = $lucifer[4];
			if ($lcount==8) {
				$b['time'] = @mktime($b['hour'],$b['minute'],0,$b['month'],$b['day'],$b['year']);
				$b['name'] = $lucifer[7];
			} else {
				$b['month'] = $lucifer[5];
				$b['day'] = $lucifer[6];
				if (preg_match("/([0-9]{2}):([0-9]{2})/",$lucifer[7],$l2)) {
					$b['year'] = gmdate("Y");
					$b['hour'] = $l2[1];
					$b['minute'] = $l2[2];
				} else {
					$b['year'] = $lucifer[7];
					$b['hour'] = 0;
					$b['minute'] = 0;
				$b['time'] = strtotime(sprintf("%d %s %d %02d:%02d",$b['day'],$b['month'],$b['year'],$b['hour'],$b['minute']));
				$b['name'] = $lucifer[8];

		return $b;

	function SendMSG($message = "", $crlf=true) {
		if ($this->Verbose) {
			echo $message.($crlf?CRLF:"");
		return TRUE;

	function SetType($mode=FTP_AUTOASCII) {
		if(!in_array($mode, $this->AuthorizedTransferMode)) {
			$this->SendMSG("Wrong type");
			return FALSE;
		$this->SendMSG("Transfer type: ".($this->_type==FTP_BINARY?"binary":($this->_type==FTP_ASCII?"ASCII":"auto ASCII") ) );
		return TRUE;

	function _settype($mode=FTP_ASCII) {
		if($this->_ready) {
			if($mode==FTP_BINARY) {
				if($this->_curtype!=FTP_BINARY) {
					if(!$this->_exec("TYPE I", "SetType")) return FALSE;
			} elseif($this->_curtype!=FTP_ASCII) {
				if(!$this->_exec("TYPE A", "SetType")) return FALSE;
		} else return FALSE;
		return TRUE;

	function Passive($pasv=NULL) {
		if(is_null($pasv)) $this->_passive=!$this->_passive;
		else $this->_passive=$pasv;
		if(!$this->_port_available and !$this->_passive) {
			$this->SendMSG("Only passive connections available!");
			return FALSE;
		$this->SendMSG("Passive mode ".($this->_passive?"on":"off"));
		return TRUE;

	function SetServer($host, $port=21, $reconnect=true) {
		if(!is_long($port)) {
    	    $this->SendMSG("Incorrect port syntax");
			return FALSE;
		} else {
	        if(!$ip) $ip=$host;
	        if(!$dns) $dns=$host;
	        // Validate the IPAddress PHP4 returns -1 for invalid, PHP5 false
	        // -1 === "" which is the broadcast address which is also going to be invalid
	        $ipaslong = ip2long($ip);
			if ( ($ipaslong == false) || ($ipaslong === -1) ) {
				$this->SendMSG("Wrong host name/address \"".$host."\"");
				return FALSE;
		$this->SendMSG("Host \"".$this->_fullhost."(".$this->_host."):".$this->_port."\"");
			if($this->_connected) {
				if(!$this->quit(FTP_FORCE)) return FALSE;
				if(!$this->connect()) return FALSE;
		return TRUE;

	function SetUmask($umask=0022) {
		$this->SendMSG("UMASK 0".decoct($this->_umask));
		return TRUE;

	function SetTimeout($timeout=30) {
		$this->SendMSG("Timeout ".$this->_timeout);
			if(!$this->_settimeout($this->_ftp_control_sock)) return FALSE;
		return TRUE;

	function connect($server=NULL) {
		if(!empty($server)) {
			if(!$this->SetServer($server)) return false;
		if($this->_ready) return true;
	    $this->SendMsg('Local OS : '.$this->OS_FullName[$this->OS_local]);
		if(!($this->_ftp_control_sock = $this->_connect($this->_host, $this->_port))) {
			$this->SendMSG("Error : Cannot connect to remote host \"".$this->_fullhost." :".$this->_port."\"");
			return FALSE;
		$this->SendMSG("Connected to remote host \"".$this->_fullhost.":".$this->_port."\". Waiting for greeting.");
		do {
			if(!$this->_readmsg()) return FALSE;
			if(!$this->_checkCode()) return FALSE;
		} while($this->_code<200);
		if(!$syst) $this->SendMSG("Cannot detect remote OS");
		else {
			if(preg_match("/win|dos|novell/i", $syst[0])) $this->OS_remote=FTP_OS_Windows;
			elseif(preg_match("/os/i", $syst[0])) $this->OS_remote=FTP_OS_Mac;
			elseif(preg_match("/(li|u)nix/i", $syst[0])) $this->OS_remote=FTP_OS_Unix;
			else $this->OS_remote=FTP_OS_Mac;
			$this->SendMSG("Remote OS: ".$this->OS_FullName[$this->OS_remote]);
		if(!$this->features()) $this->SendMSG("Cannot get features list. All supported - disabled");
		else $this->SendMSG("Supported features: ".implode(", ", array_keys($this->_features)));
		return TRUE;

	function quit($force=false) {
		if($this->_ready) {
			if(!$this->_exec("QUIT") and !$force) return FALSE;
			if(!$this->_checkCode() and !$force) return FALSE;
			$this->SendMSG("Session finished");
		return TRUE;

	function login($user=NULL, $pass=NULL) {
		if(!is_null($user)) $this->_login=$user;
		else $this->_login="anonymous";
		if(!is_null($pass)) $this->_password=$pass;
		else $this->_password="anon@anon.com";
		if(!$this->_exec("USER ".$this->_login, "login")) return FALSE;
		if(!$this->_checkCode()) return FALSE;
		if($this->_code!=230) {
			if(!$this->_exec((($this->_code==331)?"PASS ":"ACCT ").$this->_password, "login")) return FALSE;
			if(!$this->_checkCode()) return FALSE;
		$this->SendMSG("Authentication succeeded");
		if(empty($this->_features)) {
			if(!$this->features()) $this->SendMSG("Cannot get features list. All supported - disabled");
			else $this->SendMSG("Supported features: ".implode(", ", array_keys($this->_features)));
		return TRUE;

	function pwd() {
		if(!$this->_exec("PWD", "pwd")) return FALSE;
		if(!$this->_checkCode()) return FALSE;
		return preg_replace("/^[0-9]{3} \"(.+)\".*$/s", "\\1", $this->_message);

	function cdup() {
		if(!$this->_exec("CDUP", "cdup")) return FALSE;
		if(!$this->_checkCode()) return FALSE;
		return true;

	function chdir($pathname) {
		if(!$this->_exec("CWD ".$pathname, "chdir")) return FALSE;
		if(!$this->_checkCode()) return FALSE;
		return TRUE;

	function rmdir($pathname) {
		if(!$this->_exec("RMD ".$pathname, "rmdir")) return FALSE;
		if(!$this->_checkCode()) return FALSE;
		return TRUE;

	function mkdir($pathname) {
		if(!$this->_exec("MKD ".$pathname, "mkdir")) return FALSE;
		if(!$this->_checkCode()) return FALSE;
		return TRUE;

	function rename($from, $to) {
		if(!$this->_exec("RNFR ".$from, "rename")) return FALSE;
		if(!$this->_checkCode()) return FALSE;
		if($this->_code==350) {
			if(!$this->_exec("RNTO ".$to, "rename")) return FALSE;
			if(!$this->_checkCode()) return FALSE;
		} else return FALSE;
		return TRUE;

	function filesize($pathname) {
		if(!isset($this->_features["SIZE"])) {
			$this->PushError("filesize", "not supported by server");
			return FALSE;
		if(!$this->_exec("SIZE ".$pathname, "filesize")) return FALSE;
		if(!$this->_checkCode()) return FALSE;
		return preg_replace("/^[0-9]{3} ([0-9]+).*$/s", "\\1", $this->_message);

	function abort() {
		if(!$this->_exec("ABOR", "abort")) return FALSE;
		if(!$this->_checkCode()) {
			if($this->_code!=426) return FALSE;
			if(!$this->_readmsg("abort")) return FALSE;
			if(!$this->_checkCode()) return FALSE;
		return true;

	function mdtm($pathname) {
		if(!isset($this->_features["MDTM"])) {
			$this->PushError("mdtm", "not supported by server");
			return FALSE;
		if(!$this->_exec("MDTM ".$pathname, "mdtm")) return FALSE;
		if(!$this->_checkCode()) return FALSE;
		$mdtm = preg_replace("/^[0-9]{3} ([0-9]+).*$/s", "\\1", $this->_message);
		$date = sscanf($mdtm, "%4d%2d%2d%2d%2d%2d");
		$timestamp = mktime($date[3], $date[4], $date[5], $date[1], $date[2], $date[0]);
		return $timestamp;

	function systype() {
		if(!$this->_exec("SYST", "systype")) return FALSE;
		if(!$this->_checkCode()) return FALSE;
		$DATA = explode(" ", $this->_message);
		return array($DATA[1], $DATA[3]);

	function delete($pathname) {
		if(!$this->_exec("DELE ".$pathname, "delete")) return FALSE;
		if(!$this->_checkCode()) return FALSE;
		return TRUE;

	function site($command, $fnction="site") {
		if(!$this->_exec("SITE ".$command, $fnction)) return FALSE;
		if(!$this->_checkCode()) return FALSE;
		return TRUE;

	function chmod($pathname, $mode) {
		if(!$this->site( sprintf('CHMOD %o %s', $mode, $pathname), "chmod")) return FALSE;
		return TRUE;

	function restore($from) {
		if(!isset($this->_features["REST"])) {
			$this->PushError("restore", "not supported by server");
			return FALSE;
		if($this->_curtype!=FTP_BINARY) {
			$this->PushError("restore", "cannot restore in ASCII mode");
			return FALSE;
		if(!$this->_exec("REST ".$from, "restore")) return FALSE;
		if(!$this->_checkCode()) return FALSE;
		return TRUE;

	function features() {
		if(!$this->_exec("FEAT", "features")) return FALSE;
		if(!$this->_checkCode()) return FALSE;
		$f=preg_split("/[".CRLF."]+/", preg_replace("/[0-9]{3}[ -].*[".CRLF."]+/", "", $this->_message), -1, PREG_SPLIT_NO_EMPTY);
		foreach($f as $k=>$v) {
			$v=explode(" ", trim($v));
		return true;

	function rawlist($pathname="", $arg="") {
		return $this->_list(($arg?" ".$arg:"").($pathname?" ".$pathname:""), "LIST", "rawlist");

	function nlist($pathname="", $arg="") {
		return $this->_list(($arg?" ".$arg:"").($pathname?" ".$pathname:""), "NLST", "nlist");

	function is_exists($pathname) {
		return $this->file_exists($pathname);

	function file_exists($pathname) {
		if(!$this->_exec("RNFR ".$pathname, "rename")) $exists=FALSE;
		else {
			if(!$this->_checkCode()) $exists=FALSE;
		if($exists) $this->SendMSG("Remote file ".$pathname." exists");
		else $this->SendMSG("Remote file ".$pathname." does not exist");
		return $exists;

	function fget($fp, $remotefile, $rest=0) {
		if($this->_can_restore and $rest!=0) fseek($fp, $rest);
		if($this->_type==FTP_ASCII or ($this->_type==FTP_AUTOASCII and in_array(strtoupper($pi["extension"]), $this->AutoAsciiExt))) $mode=FTP_ASCII;
		else $mode=FTP_BINARY;
		if(!$this->_data_prepare($mode)) {
			return FALSE;
		if($this->_can_restore and $rest!=0) $this->restore($rest);
		if(!$this->_exec("RETR ".$remotefile, "get")) {
			return FALSE;
		if(!$this->_checkCode()) {
			return FALSE;
		$out=$this->_data_read($mode, $fp);
		if(!$this->_readmsg()) return FALSE;
		if(!$this->_checkCode()) return FALSE;
		return $out;

	function get($remotefile, $localfile=NULL, $rest=0) {
		if(is_null($localfile)) $localfile=$remotefile;
		if (@file_exists($localfile)) $this->SendMSG("Warning : local file will be overwritten");
		$fp = @fopen($localfile, "w");
		if (!$fp) {
			$this->PushError("get","cannot open local file", "Cannot create \"".$localfile."\"");
			return FALSE;
		if($this->_can_restore and $rest!=0) fseek($fp, $rest);
		if($this->_type==FTP_ASCII or ($this->_type==FTP_AUTOASCII and in_array(strtoupper($pi["extension"]), $this->AutoAsciiExt))) $mode=FTP_ASCII;
		else $mode=FTP_BINARY;
		if(!$this->_data_prepare($mode)) {
			return FALSE;
		if($this->_can_restore and $rest!=0) $this->restore($rest);
		if(!$this->_exec("RETR ".$remotefile, "get")) {
			return FALSE;
		if(!$this->_checkCode()) {
			return FALSE;
		$out=$this->_data_read($mode, $fp);
		if(!$this->_readmsg()) return FALSE;
		if(!$this->_checkCode()) return FALSE;
		return $out;

	function fput($remotefile, $fp, $rest=0) {
		if($this->_can_restore and $rest!=0) fseek($fp, $rest);
		if($this->_type==FTP_ASCII or ($this->_type==FTP_AUTOASCII and in_array(strtoupper($pi["extension"]), $this->AutoAsciiExt))) $mode=FTP_ASCII;
		else $mode=FTP_BINARY;
		if(!$this->_data_prepare($mode)) {
			return FALSE;
		if($this->_can_restore and $rest!=0) $this->restore($rest);
		if(!$this->_exec("STOR ".$remotefile, "put")) {
			return FALSE;
		if(!$this->_checkCode()) {
			return FALSE;
		$ret=$this->_data_write($mode, $fp);
		if(!$this->_readmsg()) return FALSE;
		if(!$this->_checkCode()) return FALSE;
		return $ret;

	function put($localfile, $remotefile=NULL, $rest=0) {
		if(is_null($remotefile)) $remotefile=$localfile;
		if (!file_exists($localfile)) {
			$this->PushError("put","cannot open local file", "No such file or directory \"".$localfile."\"");
			return FALSE;
		$fp = @fopen($localfile, "r");

		if (!$fp) {
			$this->PushError("put","cannot open local file", "Cannot read file \"".$localfile."\"");
			return FALSE;
		if($this->_can_restore and $rest!=0) fseek($fp, $rest);
		if($this->_type==FTP_ASCII or ($this->_type==FTP_AUTOASCII and in_array(strtoupper($pi["extension"]), $this->AutoAsciiExt))) $mode=FTP_ASCII;
		else $mode=FTP_BINARY;
		if(!$this->_data_prepare($mode)) {
			return FALSE;
		if($this->_can_restore and $rest!=0) $this->restore($rest);
		if(!$this->_exec("STOR ".$remotefile, "put")) {
			return FALSE;
		if(!$this->_checkCode()) {
			return FALSE;
		$ret=$this->_data_write($mode, $fp);
		if(!$this->_readmsg()) return FALSE;
		if(!$this->_checkCode()) return FALSE;
		return $ret;

	function mput($local=".", $remote=NULL, $continious=false) {
		if(!@file_exists($local)) {
			$this->PushError("mput","cannot open local folder", "Cannot stat folder \"".$local."\"");
			return FALSE;
		if(!is_dir($local)) return $this->put($local, $remote);
		if(empty($remote)) $remote=".";
		elseif(!$this->file_exists($remote) and !$this->mkdir($remote)) return FALSE;
		if($handle = opendir($local)) {
			while (false !== ($file = readdir($handle))) {
				if ($file != "." && $file != "..") $list[]=$file;
		} else {
			$this->PushError("mput","cannot open local folder", "Cannot read folder \"".$local."\"");
			return FALSE;
		if(empty($list)) return TRUE;
		foreach($list as $el) {
			if(is_dir($local."/".$el)) $t=$this->mput($local."/".$el, $remote."/".$el);
			else $t=$this->put($local."/".$el, $remote."/".$el);
			if(!$t) {
				if(!$continious) break;
		return $ret;


	function mget($remote, $local=".", $continious=false) {
		$list=$this->rawlist($remote, "-lA");
		if($list===false) {
			$this->PushError("mget","cannot read remote folder list", "Cannot read remote folder \"".$remote."\" contents");
			return FALSE;
		if(empty($list)) return true;
		if(!@file_exists($local)) {
			if(!@mkdir($local)) {
				$this->PushError("mget","cannot create local folder", "Cannot create folder \"".$local."\"");
				return FALSE;
		foreach($list as $k=>$v) {
			if( ! $list[$k] or $list[$k]["name"]=="." or $list[$k]["name"]=="..") unset($list[$k]);
		foreach($list as $el) {
			if($el["type"]=="d") {
				if(!$this->mget($remote."/".$el["name"], $local."/".$el["name"], $continious)) {
					$this->PushError("mget", "cannot copy folder", "Cannot copy remote folder \"".$remote."/".$el["name"]."\" to local \"".$local."/".$el["name"]."\"");
					if(!$continious) break;
			} else {
				if(!$this->get($remote."/".$el["name"], $local."/".$el["name"])) {
					$this->PushError("mget", "cannot copy file", "Cannot copy remote file \"".$remote."/".$el["name"]."\" to local \"".$local."/".$el["name"]."\"");
					if(!$continious) break;
			@chmod($local."/".$el["name"], $el["perms"]);
			if($t!==-1 and $t!==false) @touch($local."/".$el["name"], $t);
		return $ret;

	function mdel($remote, $continious=false) {
		$list=$this->rawlist($remote, "-la");
		if($list===false) {
			$this->PushError("mdel","cannot read remote folder list", "Cannot read remote folder \"".$remote."\" contents");
			return false;

		foreach($list as $k=>$v) {
			if( ! $list[$k] or $list[$k]["name"]=="." or $list[$k]["name"]=="..") unset($list[$k]);

		foreach($list as $el) {
			if ( empty($el) )

			if($el["type"]=="d") {
				if(!$this->mdel($remote."/".$el["name"], $continious)) {
					if(!$continious) break;
			} else {
				if (!$this->delete($remote."/".$el["name"])) {
					$this->PushError("mdel", "cannot delete file", "Cannot delete remote file \"".$remote."/".$el["name"]."\"");
					if(!$continious) break;

		if(!$this->rmdir($remote)) {
			$this->PushError("mdel", "cannot delete folder", "Cannot delete remote folder \"".$remote."/".$el["name"]."\"");
		return $ret;

	function mmkdir($dir, $mode = 0777) {
		if(empty($dir)) return FALSE;
		if($this->is_exists($dir) or $dir == "/" ) return TRUE;
		if(!$this->mmkdir(dirname($dir), $mode)) return false;
		$r=$this->mkdir($dir, $mode);
		return $r;

	function glob($pattern, $handle=NULL) {
		if(PHP_OS=='WIN32') $slash='\\';
		else $slash='/';
		if(!($lastpos===false)) {
		} else $path=getcwd();
		if(is_array($handle) and !empty($handle)) {
			foreach($handle as $dir) {
		} else {
			if($handle===false) return false;
			while($dir=readdir($handle)) {
		if(is_array($output)) return $output;
		return false;

	function glob_pattern_match($pattern,$subject) {
		foreach($chunks as $pattern) {
			foreach($escape as $probe)
		if(count($out)==1) return($this->glob_regexp("^$out[0]$",$subject));
		else {
			foreach($out as $tester)
				// TODO: This should probably be glob_regexp(), but needs tests.
				if($this->my_regexp("^$tester$",$subject)) return true;
		return false;

	function glob_regexp($pattern,$subject) {
		return ($sensitive?
			preg_match( '/' . preg_quote( $pattern, '/' ) . '/', $subject ) :
			preg_match( '/' . preg_quote( $pattern, '/' ) . '/i', $subject )

	function dirlist($remote) {
		$list=$this->rawlist($remote, "-la");
		if($list===false) {
			$this->PushError("dirlist","cannot read remote folder list", "Cannot read remote folder \"".$remote."\" contents");
			return false;

		$dirlist = array();
		foreach($list as $k=>$v) {
			if ( empty($entry) )

			if($entry["name"]=="." or $entry["name"]=="..")

			$dirlist[$entry['name']] = $entry;

		return $dirlist;
// <!-- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -->
// <!--       Private functions                                                                 -->
// <!-- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -->
	function _checkCode() {
		return ($this->_code<400 and $this->_code>0);

	function _list($arg="", $cmd="LIST", $fnction="_list") {
		if(!$this->_data_prepare()) return false;
		if(!$this->_exec($cmd.$arg, $fnction)) {
			return FALSE;
		if(!$this->_checkCode()) {
			return FALSE;
		if($this->_code<200) {
			if(!$this->_readmsg()) return FALSE;
			if(!$this->_checkCode()) return FALSE;
			if($out === FALSE ) return FALSE;
			$out=preg_split("/[".CRLF."]+/", $out, -1, PREG_SPLIT_NO_EMPTY);
//			$this->SendMSG(implode($this->_eol_code[$this->OS_local], $out));
		return $out;

// <!-- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -->
// <!-- Partie : gestion des erreurs                                                            -->
// <!-- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -->
// Gnre une erreur pour traitement externe  la classe
	function PushError($fctname,$msg,$desc=false){
		if($desc) $tmp=' ('.$desc.')'; else $tmp='';
		$this->SendMSG($fctname.': '.$msg.$tmp);

// Rcupre une erreur externe
	function PopError(){
		if(count($this->_error_array)) return(array_pop($this->_error_array));
			else return(false);

$mod_sockets = extension_loaded( 'sockets' );
if ( ! $mod_sockets && function_exists( 'dl' ) && is_callable( 'dl' ) ) {
	$prefix = ( PHP_SHLIB_SUFFIX == 'dll' ) ? 'php_' : '';
	@dl( $prefix . 'sockets.' . PHP_SHLIB_SUFFIX ); // phpcs:ignore PHPCompatibility.FunctionUse.RemovedFunctions.dlDeprecated
	$mod_sockets = extension_loaded( 'sockets' );

require_once __DIR__ . "/class-ftp-" . ( $mod_sockets ? "sockets" : "pure" ) . ".php";

if ( $mod_sockets ) {
	class ftp extends ftp_sockets {}
} else {
	class ftp extends ftp_pure {}


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