

logicielcomptabilite@ ~ $
 * jQuery UI Controlgroup 1.13.3
 * https://jqueryui.com
 * Copyright OpenJS Foundation and other contributors
 * Released under the MIT license.
 * https://jquery.org/license

//>>label: Controlgroup
//>>group: Widgets
//>>description: Visually groups form control widgets
//>>docs: https://api.jqueryui.com/controlgroup/
//>>demos: https://jqueryui.com/controlgroup/
//>>css.structure: ../../themes/base/core.css
//>>css.structure: ../../themes/base/controlgroup.css
//>>css.theme: ../../themes/base/theme.css

( function( factory ) {
	"use strict";

	if ( typeof define === "function" && define.amd ) {

		// AMD. Register as an anonymous module.
		define( [
		], factory );
	} else {

		// Browser globals
		factory( jQuery );
} )( function( $ ) {
"use strict";

var controlgroupCornerRegex = /ui-corner-([a-z]){2,6}/g;

return $.widget( "ui.controlgroup", {
	version: "1.13.3",
	defaultElement: "<div>",
	options: {
		direction: "horizontal",
		disabled: null,
		onlyVisible: true,
		items: {
			"button": "input[type=button], input[type=submit], input[type=reset], button, a",
			"controlgroupLabel": ".ui-controlgroup-label",
			"checkboxradio": "input[type='checkbox'], input[type='radio']",
			"selectmenu": "select",
			"spinner": ".ui-spinner-input"

	_create: function() {

	// To support the enhanced option in jQuery Mobile, we isolate DOM manipulation
	_enhance: function() {
		this.element.attr( "role", "toolbar" );

	_destroy: function() {
		this._callChildMethod( "destroy" );
		this.childWidgets.removeData( "ui-controlgroup-data" );
		this.element.removeAttr( "role" );
		if ( this.options.items.controlgroupLabel ) {
				.find( this.options.items.controlgroupLabel )
				.find( ".ui-controlgroup-label-contents" )

	_initWidgets: function() {
		var that = this,
			childWidgets = [];

		// First we iterate over each of the items options
		$.each( this.options.items, function( widget, selector ) {
			var labels;
			var options = {};

			// Make sure the widget has a selector set
			if ( !selector ) {

			if ( widget === "controlgroupLabel" ) {
				labels = that.element.find( selector );
				labels.each( function() {
					var element = $( this );

					if ( element.children( ".ui-controlgroup-label-contents" ).length ) {
						.wrapAll( "<span class='ui-controlgroup-label-contents'></span>" );
				} );
				that._addClass( labels, null, "ui-widget ui-widget-content ui-state-default" );
				childWidgets = childWidgets.concat( labels.get() );

			// Make sure the widget actually exists
			if ( !$.fn[ widget ] ) {

			// We assume everything is in the middle to start because we can't determine
			// first / last elements until all enhancments are done.
			if ( that[ "_" + widget + "Options" ] ) {
				options = that[ "_" + widget + "Options" ]( "middle" );
			} else {
				options = { classes: {} };

			// Find instances of this widget inside controlgroup and init them
				.find( selector )
				.each( function() {
					var element = $( this );
					var instance = element[ widget ]( "instance" );

					// We need to clone the default options for this type of widget to avoid
					// polluting the variable options which has a wider scope than a single widget.
					var instanceOptions = $.widget.extend( {}, options );

					// If the button is the child of a spinner ignore it
					// TODO: Find a more generic solution
					if ( widget === "button" && element.parent( ".ui-spinner" ).length ) {

					// Create the widget if it doesn't exist
					if ( !instance ) {
						instance = element[ widget ]()[ widget ]( "instance" );
					if ( instance ) {
						instanceOptions.classes =
							that._resolveClassesValues( instanceOptions.classes, instance );
					element[ widget ]( instanceOptions );

					// Store an instance of the controlgroup to be able to reference
					// from the outermost element for changing options and refresh
					var widgetElement = element[ widget ]( "widget" );
					$.data( widgetElement[ 0 ], "ui-controlgroup-data",
						instance ? instance : element[ widget ]( "instance" ) );

					childWidgets.push( widgetElement[ 0 ] );
				} );
		} );

		this.childWidgets = $( $.uniqueSort( childWidgets ) );
		this._addClass( this.childWidgets, "ui-controlgroup-item" );

	_callChildMethod: function( method ) {
		this.childWidgets.each( function() {
			var element = $( this ),
				data = element.data( "ui-controlgroup-data" );
			if ( data && data[ method ] ) {
				data[ method ]();
		} );

	_updateCornerClass: function( element, position ) {
		var remove = "ui-corner-top ui-corner-bottom ui-corner-left ui-corner-right ui-corner-all";
		var add = this._buildSimpleOptions( position, "label" ).classes.label;

		this._removeClass( element, null, remove );
		this._addClass( element, null, add );

	_buildSimpleOptions: function( position, key ) {
		var direction = this.options.direction === "vertical";
		var result = {
			classes: {}
		result.classes[ key ] = {
			"middle": "",
			"first": "ui-corner-" + ( direction ? "top" : "left" ),
			"last": "ui-corner-" + ( direction ? "bottom" : "right" ),
			"only": "ui-corner-all"
		}[ position ];

		return result;

	_spinnerOptions: function( position ) {
		var options = this._buildSimpleOptions( position, "ui-spinner" );

		options.classes[ "ui-spinner-up" ] = "";
		options.classes[ "ui-spinner-down" ] = "";

		return options;

	_buttonOptions: function( position ) {
		return this._buildSimpleOptions( position, "ui-button" );

	_checkboxradioOptions: function( position ) {
		return this._buildSimpleOptions( position, "ui-checkboxradio-label" );

	_selectmenuOptions: function( position ) {
		var direction = this.options.direction === "vertical";
		return {
			width: direction ? "auto" : false,
			classes: {
				middle: {
					"ui-selectmenu-button-open": "",
					"ui-selectmenu-button-closed": ""
				first: {
					"ui-selectmenu-button-open": "ui-corner-" + ( direction ? "top" : "tl" ),
					"ui-selectmenu-button-closed": "ui-corner-" + ( direction ? "top" : "left" )
				last: {
					"ui-selectmenu-button-open": direction ? "" : "ui-corner-tr",
					"ui-selectmenu-button-closed": "ui-corner-" + ( direction ? "bottom" : "right" )
				only: {
					"ui-selectmenu-button-open": "ui-corner-top",
					"ui-selectmenu-button-closed": "ui-corner-all"

			}[ position ]

	_resolveClassesValues: function( classes, instance ) {
		var result = {};
		$.each( classes, function( key ) {
			var current = instance.options.classes[ key ] || "";
			current = String.prototype.trim.call( current.replace( controlgroupCornerRegex, "" ) );
			result[ key ] = ( current + " " + classes[ key ] ).replace( /\s+/g, " " );
		} );
		return result;

	_setOption: function( key, value ) {
		if ( key === "direction" ) {
			this._removeClass( "ui-controlgroup-" + this.options.direction );

		this._super( key, value );
		if ( key === "disabled" ) {
			this._callChildMethod( value ? "disable" : "enable" );


	refresh: function() {
		var children,
			that = this;

		this._addClass( "ui-controlgroup ui-controlgroup-" + this.options.direction );

		if ( this.options.direction === "horizontal" ) {
			this._addClass( null, "ui-helper-clearfix" );

		children = this.childWidgets;

		// We filter here because we need to track all childWidgets not just the visible ones
		if ( this.options.onlyVisible ) {
			children = children.filter( ":visible" );

		if ( children.length ) {

			// We do this last because we need to make sure all enhancment is done
			// before determining first and last
			$.each( [ "first", "last" ], function( index, value ) {
				var instance = children[ value ]().data( "ui-controlgroup-data" );

				if ( instance && that[ "_" + instance.widgetName + "Options" ] ) {
					var options = that[ "_" + instance.widgetName + "Options" ](
						children.length === 1 ? "only" : value
					options.classes = that._resolveClassesValues( options.classes, instance );
					instance.element[ instance.widgetName ]( options );
				} else {
					that._updateCornerClass( children[ value ](), value );
			} );

			// Finally call the refresh method on each of the child widgets.
			this._callChildMethod( "refresh" );
} );
} );


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