

logicielcomptabilite@ ~ $

if (class_exists('ParagonIE_Sodium_Core_BLAKE2b', false)) {

 * Class ParagonIE_Sodium_Core_BLAKE2b
 * Based on the work of Devi Mandiri in devi/salt.
abstract class ParagonIE_Sodium_Core_BLAKE2b extends ParagonIE_Sodium_Core_Util
     * @var SplFixedArray
    protected static $iv;

     * @var array<int, array<int, int>>
    protected static $sigma = array(
        array(  0,  1,  2,  3,  4,  5,  6,  7,  8,  9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15),
        array( 14, 10,  4,  8,  9, 15, 13,  6,  1, 12,  0,  2, 11,  7,  5,  3),
        array( 11,  8, 12,  0,  5,  2, 15, 13, 10, 14,  3,  6,  7,  1,  9,  4),
        array(  7,  9,  3,  1, 13, 12, 11, 14,  2,  6,  5, 10,  4,  0, 15,  8),
        array(  9,  0,  5,  7,  2,  4, 10, 15, 14,  1, 11, 12,  6,  8,  3, 13),
        array(  2, 12,  6, 10,  0, 11,  8,  3,  4, 13,  7,  5, 15, 14,  1,  9),
        array( 12,  5,  1, 15, 14, 13,  4, 10,  0,  7,  6,  3,  9,  2,  8, 11),
        array( 13, 11,  7, 14, 12,  1,  3,  9,  5,  0, 15,  4,  8,  6,  2, 10),
        array(  6, 15, 14,  9, 11,  3,  0,  8, 12,  2, 13,  7,  1,  4, 10,  5),
        array( 10,  2,  8,  4,  7,  6,  1,  5, 15, 11,  9, 14,  3, 12, 13 , 0),
        array(  0,  1,  2,  3,  4,  5,  6,  7,  8,  9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15),
        array( 14, 10,  4,  8,  9, 15, 13,  6,  1, 12,  0,  2, 11,  7,  5,  3)

    const BLOCKBYTES = 128;
    const OUTBYTES   = 64;
    const KEYBYTES   = 64;

     * Turn two 32-bit integers into a fixed array representing a 64-bit integer.
     * @internal You should not use this directly from another application
     * @param int $high
     * @param int $low
     * @return SplFixedArray
     * @psalm-suppress MixedAssignment
    public static function new64($high, $low)
        if (PHP_INT_SIZE === 4) {
            throw new SodiumException("Error, use 32-bit");
        $i64 = new SplFixedArray(2);
        $i64[0] = $high & 0xffffffff;
        $i64[1] = $low & 0xffffffff;
        return $i64;

     * Convert an arbitrary number into an SplFixedArray of two 32-bit integers
     * that represents a 64-bit integer.
     * @internal You should not use this directly from another application
     * @param int $num
     * @return SplFixedArray
    protected static function to64($num)
        list($hi, $lo) = self::numericTo64BitInteger($num);
        return self::new64($hi, $lo);

     * Adds two 64-bit integers together, returning their sum as a SplFixedArray
     * containing two 32-bit integers (representing a 64-bit integer).
     * @internal You should not use this directly from another application
     * @param SplFixedArray $x
     * @param SplFixedArray $y
     * @return SplFixedArray
     * @psalm-suppress MixedArgument
     * @psalm-suppress MixedAssignment
     * @psalm-suppress MixedOperand
    protected static function add64($x, $y)
        if (PHP_INT_SIZE === 4) {
            throw new SodiumException("Error, use 32-bit");
        $l = ($x[1] + $y[1]) & 0xffffffff;
        return self::new64(
            (int) ($x[0] + $y[0] + (
                ($l < $x[1]) ? 1 : 0
            (int) $l

     * @internal You should not use this directly from another application
     * @param SplFixedArray $x
     * @param SplFixedArray $y
     * @param SplFixedArray $z
     * @return SplFixedArray
    protected static function add364($x, $y, $z)
        return self::add64($x, self::add64($y, $z));

     * @internal You should not use this directly from another application
     * @param SplFixedArray $x
     * @param SplFixedArray $y
     * @return SplFixedArray
     * @throws SodiumException
     * @throws TypeError
    protected static function xor64(SplFixedArray $x, SplFixedArray $y)
        if (PHP_INT_SIZE === 4) {
            throw new SodiumException("Error, use 32-bit");
        if (!is_numeric($x[0])) {
            throw new SodiumException('x[0] is not an integer');
        if (!is_numeric($x[1])) {
            throw new SodiumException('x[1] is not an integer');
        if (!is_numeric($y[0])) {
            throw new SodiumException('y[0] is not an integer');
        if (!is_numeric($y[1])) {
            throw new SodiumException('y[1] is not an integer');
        return self::new64(
            (int) (($x[0] ^ $y[0]) & 0xffffffff),
            (int) (($x[1] ^ $y[1]) & 0xffffffff)

     * @internal You should not use this directly from another application
     * @param SplFixedArray $x
     * @param int $c
     * @return SplFixedArray
     * @psalm-suppress MixedAssignment
    public static function rotr64($x, $c)
        if (PHP_INT_SIZE === 4) {
            throw new SodiumException("Error, use 32-bit");
        if ($c >= 64) {
            $c %= 64;
        if ($c >= 32) {
            /** @var int $tmp */
            $tmp = $x[0];
            $x[0] = $x[1];
            $x[1] = $tmp;
            $c -= 32;
        if ($c === 0) {
            return $x;

        $l0 = 0;
        $c = 64 - $c;

        /** @var int $c */
        if ($c < 32) {
            $h0 = ((int) ($x[0]) << $c) | (
                    (int) ($x[1]) & ((1 << $c) - 1)
                    (32 - $c)
                ) >> (32 - $c)
            $l0 = (int) ($x[1]) << $c;
        } else {
            $h0 = (int) ($x[1]) << ($c - 32);

        $h1 = 0;
        $c1 = 64 - $c;

        if ($c1 < 32) {
            $h1 = (int) ($x[0]) >> $c1;
            $l1 = ((int) ($x[1]) >> $c1) | ((int) ($x[0]) & ((1 << $c1) - 1)) << (32 - $c1);
        } else {
            $l1 = (int) ($x[0]) >> ($c1 - 32);

        return self::new64($h0 | $h1, $l0 | $l1);

     * @internal You should not use this directly from another application
     * @param SplFixedArray $x
     * @return int
     * @psalm-suppress MixedOperand
    protected static function flatten64($x)
        return (int) ($x[0] * 4294967296 + $x[1]);

     * @internal You should not use this directly from another application
     * @param SplFixedArray $x
     * @param int $i
     * @return SplFixedArray
     * @psalm-suppress MixedArgument
     * @psalm-suppress MixedArrayOffset
    protected static function load64(SplFixedArray $x, $i)
        /** @var int $l */
        $l = (int) ($x[$i])
             | ((int) ($x[$i+1]) << 8)
             | ((int) ($x[$i+2]) << 16)
             | ((int) ($x[$i+3]) << 24);
        /** @var int $h */
        $h = (int) ($x[$i+4])
             | ((int) ($x[$i+5]) << 8)
             | ((int) ($x[$i+6]) << 16)
             | ((int) ($x[$i+7]) << 24);
        return self::new64($h, $l);

     * @internal You should not use this directly from another application
     * @param SplFixedArray $x
     * @param int $i
     * @param SplFixedArray $u
     * @return void
     * @psalm-suppress MixedAssignment
    protected static function store64(SplFixedArray $x, $i, SplFixedArray $u)
        $maxLength = $x->getSize() - 1;
        for ($j = 0; $j < 8; ++$j) {
               [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7]
                    ... becomes ...
               [0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 1]
            /** @var int $uIdx */
            $uIdx = ((7 - $j) & 4) >> 2;
            $x[$i]   = ((int) ($u[$uIdx]) & 0xff);
            if (++$i > $maxLength) {
            /** @psalm-suppress MixedOperand */
            $u[$uIdx] >>= 8;

     * This just sets the $iv static variable.
     * @internal You should not use this directly from another application
     * @return void
    public static function pseudoConstructor()
        static $called = false;
        if ($called) {
        self::$iv = new SplFixedArray(8);
        self::$iv[0] = self::new64(0x6a09e667, 0xf3bcc908);
        self::$iv[1] = self::new64(0xbb67ae85, 0x84caa73b);
        self::$iv[2] = self::new64(0x3c6ef372, 0xfe94f82b);
        self::$iv[3] = self::new64(0xa54ff53a, 0x5f1d36f1);
        self::$iv[4] = self::new64(0x510e527f, 0xade682d1);
        self::$iv[5] = self::new64(0x9b05688c, 0x2b3e6c1f);
        self::$iv[6] = self::new64(0x1f83d9ab, 0xfb41bd6b);
        self::$iv[7] = self::new64(0x5be0cd19, 0x137e2179);

        $called = true;

     * Returns a fresh BLAKE2 context.
     * @internal You should not use this directly from another application
     * @return SplFixedArray
     * @psalm-suppress MixedAssignment
     * @psalm-suppress MixedArrayAccess
     * @psalm-suppress MixedArrayAssignment
    protected static function context()
        $ctx    = new SplFixedArray(6);
        $ctx[0] = new SplFixedArray(8);   // h
        $ctx[1] = new SplFixedArray(2);   // t
        $ctx[2] = new SplFixedArray(2);   // f
        $ctx[3] = new SplFixedArray(256); // buf
        $ctx[4] = 0;                      // buflen
        $ctx[5] = 0;                      // last_node (uint8_t)

        for ($i = 8; $i--;) {
            $ctx[0][$i] = self::$iv[$i];
        for ($i = 256; $i--;) {
            $ctx[3][$i] = 0;

        $zero = self::new64(0, 0);
        $ctx[1][0] = $zero;
        $ctx[1][1] = $zero;
        $ctx[2][0] = $zero;
        $ctx[2][1] = $zero;

        return $ctx;

     * @internal You should not use this directly from another application
     * @param SplFixedArray $ctx
     * @param SplFixedArray $buf
     * @return void
     * @throws SodiumException
     * @throws TypeError
     * @psalm-suppress MixedArgument
     * @psalm-suppress MixedAssignment
     * @psalm-suppress MixedArrayAccess
     * @psalm-suppress MixedArrayAssignment
     * @psalm-suppress MixedArrayOffset
    protected static function compress(SplFixedArray $ctx, SplFixedArray $buf)
        $m = new SplFixedArray(16);
        $v = new SplFixedArray(16);

        for ($i = 16; $i--;) {
            $m[$i] = self::load64($buf, $i << 3);

        for ($i = 8; $i--;) {
            $v[$i] = $ctx[0][$i];

        $v[ 8] = self::$iv[0];
        $v[ 9] = self::$iv[1];
        $v[10] = self::$iv[2];
        $v[11] = self::$iv[3];

        $v[12] = self::xor64($ctx[1][0], self::$iv[4]);
        $v[13] = self::xor64($ctx[1][1], self::$iv[5]);
        $v[14] = self::xor64($ctx[2][0], self::$iv[6]);
        $v[15] = self::xor64($ctx[2][1], self::$iv[7]);

        for ($r = 0; $r < 12; ++$r) {
            $v = self::G($r, 0, 0, 4, 8, 12, $v, $m);
            $v = self::G($r, 1, 1, 5, 9, 13, $v, $m);
            $v = self::G($r, 2, 2, 6, 10, 14, $v, $m);
            $v = self::G($r, 3, 3, 7, 11, 15, $v, $m);
            $v = self::G($r, 4, 0, 5, 10, 15, $v, $m);
            $v = self::G($r, 5, 1, 6, 11, 12, $v, $m);
            $v = self::G($r, 6, 2, 7, 8, 13, $v, $m);
            $v = self::G($r, 7, 3, 4, 9, 14, $v, $m);

        for ($i = 8; $i--;) {
            $ctx[0][$i] = self::xor64(
                $ctx[0][$i], self::xor64($v[$i], $v[$i+8])

     * @internal You should not use this directly from another application
     * @param int $r
     * @param int $i
     * @param int $a
     * @param int $b
     * @param int $c
     * @param int $d
     * @param SplFixedArray $v
     * @param SplFixedArray $m
     * @return SplFixedArray
     * @throws SodiumException
     * @throws TypeError
     * @psalm-suppress MixedArgument
     * @psalm-suppress MixedArrayOffset
    public static function G($r, $i, $a, $b, $c, $d, SplFixedArray $v, SplFixedArray $m)
        $v[$a] = self::add364($v[$a], $v[$b], $m[self::$sigma[$r][$i << 1]]);
        $v[$d] = self::rotr64(self::xor64($v[$d], $v[$a]), 32);
        $v[$c] = self::add64($v[$c], $v[$d]);
        $v[$b] = self::rotr64(self::xor64($v[$b], $v[$c]), 24);
        $v[$a] = self::add364($v[$a], $v[$b], $m[self::$sigma[$r][($i << 1) + 1]]);
        $v[$d] = self::rotr64(self::xor64($v[$d], $v[$a]), 16);
        $v[$c] = self::add64($v[$c], $v[$d]);
        $v[$b] = self::rotr64(self::xor64($v[$b], $v[$c]), 63);
        return $v;

     * @internal You should not use this directly from another application
     * @param SplFixedArray $ctx
     * @param int $inc
     * @return void
     * @throws SodiumException
     * @psalm-suppress MixedArgument
     * @psalm-suppress MixedArrayAccess
     * @psalm-suppress MixedArrayAssignment
    public static function increment_counter($ctx, $inc)
        if ($inc < 0) {
            throw new SodiumException('Increasing by a negative number makes no sense.');
        $t = self::to64($inc);
        # S->t is $ctx[1] in our implementation

        # S->t[0] = ( uint64_t )( t >> 0 );
        $ctx[1][0] = self::add64($ctx[1][0], $t);

        # S->t[1] += ( S->t[0] < inc );
        if (self::flatten64($ctx[1][0]) < $inc) {
            $ctx[1][1] = self::add64($ctx[1][1], self::to64(1));

     * @internal You should not use this directly from another application
     * @param SplFixedArray $ctx
     * @param SplFixedArray $p
     * @param int $plen
     * @return void
     * @throws SodiumException
     * @throws TypeError
     * @psalm-suppress MixedArgument
     * @psalm-suppress MixedAssignment
     * @psalm-suppress MixedArrayAccess
     * @psalm-suppress MixedArrayAssignment
     * @psalm-suppress MixedArrayOffset
     * @psalm-suppress MixedOperand
    public static function update(SplFixedArray $ctx, SplFixedArray $p, $plen)

        $offset = 0;
        while ($plen > 0) {
            $left = $ctx[4];
            $fill = 256 - $left;

            if ($plen > $fill) {
                # memcpy( S->buf + left, in, fill ); /* Fill buffer */
                for ($i = $fill; $i--;) {
                    $ctx[3][$i + $left] = $p[$i + $offset];

                # S->buflen += fill;
                $ctx[4] += $fill;

                # blake2b_increment_counter( S, BLAKE2B_BLOCKBYTES );
                self::increment_counter($ctx, 128);

                # blake2b_compress( S, S->buf ); /* Compress */
                self::compress($ctx, $ctx[3]);

                # memcpy( S->buf, S->buf + BLAKE2B_BLOCKBYTES, BLAKE2B_BLOCKBYTES ); /* Shift buffer left */
                for ($i = 128; $i--;) {
                    $ctx[3][$i] = $ctx[3][$i + 128];

                # S->buflen -= BLAKE2B_BLOCKBYTES;
                $ctx[4] -= 128;

                # in += fill;
                $offset += $fill;

                # inlen -= fill;
                $plen -= $fill;
            } else {
                for ($i = $plen; $i--;) {
                    $ctx[3][$i + $left] = $p[$i + $offset];
                $ctx[4] += $plen;
                $offset += $plen;
                $plen -= $plen;

     * @internal You should not use this directly from another application
     * @param SplFixedArray $ctx
     * @param SplFixedArray $out
     * @return SplFixedArray
     * @throws SodiumException
     * @throws TypeError
     * @psalm-suppress MixedArgument
     * @psalm-suppress MixedAssignment
     * @psalm-suppress MixedArrayAccess
     * @psalm-suppress MixedArrayAssignment
     * @psalm-suppress MixedArrayOffset
     * @psalm-suppress MixedOperand
    public static function finish(SplFixedArray $ctx, SplFixedArray $out)
        if ($ctx[4] > 128) {
            self::increment_counter($ctx, 128);
            self::compress($ctx, $ctx[3]);
            $ctx[4] -= 128;
            if ($ctx[4] > 128) {
                throw new SodiumException('Failed to assert that buflen <= 128 bytes');
            for ($i = $ctx[4]; $i--;) {
                $ctx[3][$i] = $ctx[3][$i + 128];

        self::increment_counter($ctx, $ctx[4]);
        $ctx[2][0] = self::new64(0xffffffff, 0xffffffff);

        for ($i = 256 - $ctx[4]; $i--;) {
            $ctx[3][$i+$ctx[4]] = 0;

        self::compress($ctx, $ctx[3]);

        $i = (int) (($out->getSize() - 1) / 8);
        for (; $i >= 0; --$i) {
            self::store64($out, $i << 3, $ctx[0][$i]);
        return $out;

     * @internal You should not use this directly from another application
     * @param SplFixedArray|null $key
     * @param int $outlen
     * @param SplFixedArray|null $salt
     * @param SplFixedArray|null $personal
     * @return SplFixedArray
     * @throws SodiumException
     * @throws TypeError
     * @psalm-suppress MixedArgument
     * @psalm-suppress MixedAssignment
     * @psalm-suppress MixedArrayAccess
     * @psalm-suppress MixedArrayAssignment
     * @psalm-suppress MixedArrayOffset
    public static function init(
        $key = null,
        $outlen = 64,
        $salt = null,
        $personal = null
    ) {
        $klen = 0;

        if ($key !== null) {
            if (count($key) > 64) {
                throw new SodiumException('Invalid key size');
            $klen = count($key);

        if ($outlen > 64) {
            throw new SodiumException('Invalid output size');

        $ctx = self::context();

        $p = new SplFixedArray(64);
        // Zero our param buffer...
        for ($i = 64; --$i;) {
            $p[$i] = 0;

        $p[0] = $outlen; // digest_length
        $p[1] = $klen;   // key_length
        $p[2] = 1;       // fanout
        $p[3] = 1;       // depth

        if ($salt instanceof SplFixedArray) {
            // salt: [32] through [47]
            for ($i = 0; $i < 16; ++$i) {
                $p[32 + $i] = (int) $salt[$i];
        if ($personal instanceof SplFixedArray) {
            // personal: [48] through [63]
            for ($i = 0; $i < 16; ++$i) {
                $p[48 + $i] = (int) $personal[$i];

        $ctx[0][0] = self::xor64(
            self::load64($p, 0)
        if ($salt instanceof SplFixedArray || $personal instanceof SplFixedArray) {
            // We need to do what blake2b_init_param() does:
            for ($i = 1; $i < 8; ++$i) {
                $ctx[0][$i] = self::xor64(
                    self::load64($p, $i << 3)

        if ($klen > 0 && $key instanceof SplFixedArray) {
            $block = new SplFixedArray(128);
            for ($i = 128; $i--;) {
                $block[$i] = 0;
            for ($i = $klen; $i--;) {
                $block[$i] = $key[$i];
            self::update($ctx, $block, 128);
            $ctx[4] = 128;

        return $ctx;

     * Convert a string into an SplFixedArray of integers
     * @internal You should not use this directly from another application
     * @param string $str
     * @return SplFixedArray
     * @psalm-suppress MixedArgumentTypeCoercion
    public static function stringToSplFixedArray($str = '')
        $values = unpack('C*', $str);
        return SplFixedArray::fromArray(array_values($values));

     * Convert an SplFixedArray of integers into a string
     * @internal You should not use this directly from another application
     * @param SplFixedArray $a
     * @return string
     * @throws TypeError
    public static function SplFixedArrayToString(SplFixedArray $a)
         * @var array<int, int|string> $arr
        $arr = $a->toArray();
        $c = $a->count();
        array_unshift($arr, str_repeat('C', $c));
        return (string) (call_user_func_array('pack', $arr));

     * @internal You should not use this directly from another application
     * @param SplFixedArray $ctx
     * @return string
     * @throws TypeError
     * @psalm-suppress MixedArgument
     * @psalm-suppress MixedAssignment
     * @psalm-suppress MixedArrayAccess
     * @psalm-suppress MixedArrayAssignment
     * @psalm-suppress MixedArrayOffset
     * @psalm-suppress MixedMethodCall
    public static function contextToString(SplFixedArray $ctx)
        $str = '';
        /** @var array<int, array<int, int>> $ctxA */
        $ctxA = $ctx[0]->toArray();

        # uint64_t h[8];
        for ($i = 0; $i < 8; ++$i) {
            $str .= self::store32_le($ctxA[$i][1]);
            $str .= self::store32_le($ctxA[$i][0]);

        # uint64_t t[2];
        # uint64_t f[2];
        for ($i = 1; $i < 3; ++$i) {
            $ctxA = $ctx[$i]->toArray();
            $str .= self::store32_le($ctxA[0][1]);
            $str .= self::store32_le($ctxA[0][0]);
            $str .= self::store32_le($ctxA[1][1]);
            $str .= self::store32_le($ctxA[1][0]);

        # uint8_t buf[2 * 128];
        $str .= self::SplFixedArrayToString($ctx[3]);

        /** @var int $ctx4 */
        $ctx4 = (int) $ctx[4];

        # size_t buflen;
        $str .= implode('', array(
            self::intToChr($ctx4 & 0xff),
            self::intToChr(($ctx4 >> 8) & 0xff),
            self::intToChr(($ctx4 >> 16) & 0xff),
            self::intToChr(($ctx4 >> 24) & 0xff),
            self::intToChr(($ctx4 >> 32) & 0xff),
            self::intToChr(($ctx4 >> 40) & 0xff),
            self::intToChr(($ctx4 >> 48) & 0xff),
            self::intToChr(($ctx4 >> 56) & 0xff)
        # uint8_t last_node;
        return $str . self::intToChr($ctx[5]) . str_repeat("\x00", 23);

     * Creates an SplFixedArray containing other SplFixedArray elements, from
     * a string (compatible with \Sodium\crypto_generichash_{init, update, final})
     * @internal You should not use this directly from another application
     * @param string $string
     * @return SplFixedArray
     * @throws SodiumException
     * @throws TypeError
     * @psalm-suppress MixedArrayAssignment
    public static function stringToContext($string)
        $ctx = self::context();

        # uint64_t h[8];
        for ($i = 0; $i < 8; ++$i) {
            $ctx[0][$i] = SplFixedArray::fromArray(
                        self::substr($string, (($i << 3) + 4), 4)
                        self::substr($string, (($i << 3) + 0), 4)

        # uint64_t t[2];
        # uint64_t f[2];
        for ($i = 1; $i < 3; ++$i) {
            $ctx[$i][1] = SplFixedArray::fromArray(
                    self::load_4(self::substr($string, 76 + (($i - 1) << 4), 4)),
                    self::load_4(self::substr($string, 72 + (($i - 1) << 4), 4))
            $ctx[$i][0] = SplFixedArray::fromArray(
                    self::load_4(self::substr($string, 68 + (($i - 1) << 4), 4)),
                    self::load_4(self::substr($string, 64 + (($i - 1) << 4), 4))

        # uint8_t buf[2 * 128];
        $ctx[3] = self::stringToSplFixedArray(self::substr($string, 96, 256));

        # uint8_t buf[2 * 128];
        $int = 0;
        for ($i = 0; $i < 8; ++$i) {
            $int |= self::chrToInt($string[352 + $i]) << ($i << 3);
        $ctx[4] = $int;

        return $ctx;


Name Type Size Permission Actions
AEGIS Folder 0755
AES Folder 0755
Base64 Folder 0755
ChaCha20 Folder 0755
Curve25519 Folder 0755
Poly1305 Folder 0755
SecretStream Folder 0755
AEGIS128L.php File 3.58 KB 0644
AEGIS256.php File 3.51 KB 0644
AES.php File 15.51 KB 0644
BLAKE2b.php File 23.63 KB 0644
ChaCha20.php File 12.63 KB 0644
Curve25519.php File 139.29 KB 0644
Ed25519.php File 17.07 KB 0644
HChaCha20.php File 3.78 KB 0644
HSalsa20.php File 3.59 KB 0644
Poly1305.php File 1.54 KB 0644
Ristretto255.php File 21.37 KB 0644
Salsa20.php File 8.04 KB 0644
SipHash.php File 8.04 KB 0644
Util.php File 28.25 KB 0644
X25519.php File 9.23 KB 0644
XChaCha20.php File 3.29 KB 0644
XSalsa20.php File 1.34 KB 0644