

logicielcomptabilite@ ~ $

if (class_exists('ParagonIE_Sodium_File', false)) {
 * Class ParagonIE_Sodium_File
class ParagonIE_Sodium_File extends ParagonIE_Sodium_Core_Util
    /* PHP's default buffer size is 8192 for fread()/fwrite(). */
    const BUFFER_SIZE = 8192;

     * Box a file (rather than a string). Uses less memory than
     * ParagonIE_Sodium_Compat::crypto_box(), but produces
     * the same result.
     * @param string $inputFile  Absolute path to a file on the filesystem
     * @param string $outputFile Absolute path to a file on the filesystem
     * @param string $nonce      Number to be used only once
     * @param string $keyPair    ECDH secret key and ECDH public key concatenated
     * @return bool
     * @throws SodiumException
     * @throws TypeError
    public static function box(
    ) {
        /* Type checks: */
        if (!is_string($inputFile)) {
            throw new TypeError('Argument 1 must be a string, ' . gettype($inputFile) . ' given.');
        if (!is_string($outputFile)) {
            throw new TypeError('Argument 2 must be a string, ' . gettype($outputFile) . ' given.');
        if (!is_string($nonce)) {
            throw new TypeError('Argument 3 must be a string, ' . gettype($nonce) . ' given.');

        /* Input validation: */
        if (!is_string($keyPair)) {
            throw new TypeError('Argument 4 must be a string, ' . gettype($keyPair) . ' given.');
        if (self::strlen($nonce) !== ParagonIE_Sodium_Compat::CRYPTO_BOX_NONCEBYTES) {
            throw new TypeError('Argument 3 must be CRYPTO_BOX_NONCEBYTES bytes');
        if (self::strlen($keyPair) !== ParagonIE_Sodium_Compat::CRYPTO_BOX_KEYPAIRBYTES) {
            throw new TypeError('Argument 4 must be CRYPTO_BOX_KEYPAIRBYTES bytes');

        /** @var int $size */
        $size = filesize($inputFile);
        if (!is_int($size)) {
            throw new SodiumException('Could not obtain the file size');

        /** @var resource $ifp */
        $ifp = fopen($inputFile, 'rb');
        if (!is_resource($ifp)) {
            throw new SodiumException('Could not open input file for reading');

        /** @var resource $ofp */
        $ofp = fopen($outputFile, 'wb');
        if (!is_resource($ofp)) {
            throw new SodiumException('Could not open output file for writing');

        $res = self::box_encrypt($ifp, $ofp, $size, $nonce, $keyPair);
        return $res;

     * Open a boxed file (rather than a string). Uses less memory than
     * ParagonIE_Sodium_Compat::crypto_box_open(), but produces
     * the same result.
     * Warning: Does not protect against TOCTOU attacks. You should
     * just load the file into memory and use crypto_box_open() if
     * you are worried about those.
     * @param string $inputFile
     * @param string $outputFile
     * @param string $nonce
     * @param string $keypair
     * @return bool
     * @throws SodiumException
     * @throws TypeError
    public static function box_open(
    ) {
        /* Type checks: */
        if (!is_string($inputFile)) {
            throw new TypeError('Argument 1 must be a string, ' . gettype($inputFile) . ' given.');
        if (!is_string($outputFile)) {
            throw new TypeError('Argument 2 must be a string, ' . gettype($outputFile) . ' given.');
        if (!is_string($nonce)) {
            throw new TypeError('Argument 3 must be a string, ' . gettype($nonce) . ' given.');
        if (!is_string($keypair)) {
            throw new TypeError('Argument 4 must be a string, ' . gettype($keypair) . ' given.');

        /* Input validation: */
        if (self::strlen($nonce) !== ParagonIE_Sodium_Compat::CRYPTO_BOX_NONCEBYTES) {
            throw new TypeError('Argument 4 must be CRYPTO_BOX_NONCEBYTES bytes');
        if (self::strlen($keypair) !== ParagonIE_Sodium_Compat::CRYPTO_BOX_KEYPAIRBYTES) {
            throw new TypeError('Argument 4 must be CRYPTO_BOX_KEYPAIRBYTES bytes');

        /** @var int $size */
        $size = filesize($inputFile);
        if (!is_int($size)) {
            throw new SodiumException('Could not obtain the file size');

        /** @var resource $ifp */
        $ifp = fopen($inputFile, 'rb');
        if (!is_resource($ifp)) {
            throw new SodiumException('Could not open input file for reading');

        /** @var resource $ofp */
        $ofp = fopen($outputFile, 'wb');
        if (!is_resource($ofp)) {
            throw new SodiumException('Could not open output file for writing');

        $res = self::box_decrypt($ifp, $ofp, $size, $nonce, $keypair);
        try {
        } catch (SodiumException $ex) {
            if (isset($ephKeypair)) {
        return $res;

     * Seal a file (rather than a string). Uses less memory than
     * ParagonIE_Sodium_Compat::crypto_box_seal(), but produces
     * the same result.
     * @param string $inputFile  Absolute path to a file on the filesystem
     * @param string $outputFile Absolute path to a file on the filesystem
     * @param string $publicKey  ECDH public key
     * @return bool
     * @throws SodiumException
     * @throws TypeError
    public static function box_seal(
    ) {
        /* Type checks: */
        if (!is_string($inputFile)) {
            throw new TypeError('Argument 1 must be a string, ' . gettype($inputFile) . ' given.');
        if (!is_string($outputFile)) {
            throw new TypeError('Argument 2 must be a string, ' . gettype($outputFile) . ' given.');
        if (!is_string($publicKey)) {
            throw new TypeError('Argument 3 must be a string, ' . gettype($publicKey) . ' given.');

        /* Input validation: */
        if (self::strlen($publicKey) !== ParagonIE_Sodium_Compat::CRYPTO_BOX_PUBLICKEYBYTES) {
            throw new TypeError('Argument 3 must be CRYPTO_BOX_PUBLICKEYBYTES bytes');

        /** @var int $size */
        $size = filesize($inputFile);
        if (!is_int($size)) {
            throw new SodiumException('Could not obtain the file size');

        /** @var resource $ifp */
        $ifp = fopen($inputFile, 'rb');
        if (!is_resource($ifp)) {
            throw new SodiumException('Could not open input file for reading');

        /** @var resource $ofp */
        $ofp = fopen($outputFile, 'wb');
        if (!is_resource($ofp)) {
            throw new SodiumException('Could not open output file for writing');

        /** @var string $ephKeypair */
        $ephKeypair = ParagonIE_Sodium_Compat::crypto_box_keypair();

        /** @var string $msgKeypair */
        $msgKeypair = ParagonIE_Sodium_Compat::crypto_box_keypair_from_secretkey_and_publickey(

        /** @var string $ephemeralPK */
        $ephemeralPK = ParagonIE_Sodium_Compat::crypto_box_publickey($ephKeypair);

        /** @var string $nonce */
        $nonce = ParagonIE_Sodium_Compat::crypto_generichash(
            $ephemeralPK . $publicKey,

        /** @var int $firstWrite */
        $firstWrite = fwrite(
        if (!is_int($firstWrite)) {
            throw new SodiumException('Could not write to output file');
        if ($firstWrite !== ParagonIE_Sodium_Compat::CRYPTO_BOX_PUBLICKEYBYTES) {
            throw new SodiumException('Error writing public key to output file');

        $res = self::box_encrypt($ifp, $ofp, $size, $nonce, $msgKeypair);
        try {
        } catch (SodiumException $ex) {
            /** @psalm-suppress PossiblyUndefinedVariable */
        return $res;

     * Open a sealed file (rather than a string). Uses less memory than
     * ParagonIE_Sodium_Compat::crypto_box_seal_open(), but produces
     * the same result.
     * Warning: Does not protect against TOCTOU attacks. You should
     * just load the file into memory and use crypto_box_seal_open() if
     * you are worried about those.
     * @param string $inputFile
     * @param string $outputFile
     * @param string $ecdhKeypair
     * @return bool
     * @throws SodiumException
     * @throws TypeError
    public static function box_seal_open(
    ) {
        /* Type checks: */
        if (!is_string($inputFile)) {
            throw new TypeError('Argument 1 must be a string, ' . gettype($inputFile) . ' given.');
        if (!is_string($outputFile)) {
            throw new TypeError('Argument 2 must be a string, ' . gettype($outputFile) . ' given.');
        if (!is_string($ecdhKeypair)) {
            throw new TypeError('Argument 3 must be a string, ' . gettype($ecdhKeypair) . ' given.');

        /* Input validation: */
        if (self::strlen($ecdhKeypair) !== ParagonIE_Sodium_Compat::CRYPTO_BOX_KEYPAIRBYTES) {
            throw new TypeError('Argument 3 must be CRYPTO_BOX_KEYPAIRBYTES bytes');

        $publicKey = ParagonIE_Sodium_Compat::crypto_box_publickey($ecdhKeypair);

        /** @var int $size */
        $size = filesize($inputFile);
        if (!is_int($size)) {
            throw new SodiumException('Could not obtain the file size');

        /** @var resource $ifp */
        $ifp = fopen($inputFile, 'rb');
        if (!is_resource($ifp)) {
            throw new SodiumException('Could not open input file for reading');

        /** @var resource $ofp */
        $ofp = fopen($outputFile, 'wb');
        if (!is_resource($ofp)) {
            throw new SodiumException('Could not open output file for writing');

        $ephemeralPK = fread($ifp, ParagonIE_Sodium_Compat::CRYPTO_BOX_PUBLICKEYBYTES);
        if (!is_string($ephemeralPK)) {
            throw new SodiumException('Could not read input file');
        if (self::strlen($ephemeralPK) !== ParagonIE_Sodium_Compat::CRYPTO_BOX_PUBLICKEYBYTES) {
            throw new SodiumException('Could not read public key from sealed file');

        $nonce = ParagonIE_Sodium_Compat::crypto_generichash(
            $ephemeralPK . $publicKey,
        $msgKeypair = ParagonIE_Sodium_Compat::crypto_box_keypair_from_secretkey_and_publickey(

        $res = self::box_decrypt($ifp, $ofp, $size, $nonce, $msgKeypair);
        try {
        } catch (SodiumException $ex) {
            if (isset($ephKeypair)) {
        return $res;

     * Calculate the BLAKE2b hash of a file.
     * @param string      $filePath     Absolute path to a file on the filesystem
     * @param string|null $key          BLAKE2b key
     * @param int         $outputLength Length of hash output
     * @return string                   BLAKE2b hash
     * @throws SodiumException
     * @throws TypeError
     * @psalm-suppress FailedTypeResolution
    public static function generichash(
        $key = '',
        $outputLength = 32
    ) {
        /* Type checks: */
        if (!is_string($filePath)) {
            throw new TypeError('Argument 1 must be a string, ' . gettype($filePath) . ' given.');
        if (!is_string($key)) {
            if (is_null($key)) {
                $key = '';
            } else {
                throw new TypeError('Argument 2 must be a string, ' . gettype($key) . ' given.');
        if (!is_int($outputLength)) {
            if (!is_numeric($outputLength)) {
                throw new TypeError('Argument 3 must be an integer, ' . gettype($outputLength) . ' given.');
            $outputLength = (int) $outputLength;

        /* Input validation: */
        if (!empty($key)) {
            if (self::strlen($key) < ParagonIE_Sodium_Compat::CRYPTO_GENERICHASH_KEYBYTES_MIN) {
                throw new TypeError('Argument 2 must be at least CRYPTO_GENERICHASH_KEYBYTES_MIN bytes');
            if (self::strlen($key) > ParagonIE_Sodium_Compat::CRYPTO_GENERICHASH_KEYBYTES_MAX) {
                throw new TypeError('Argument 2 must be at most CRYPTO_GENERICHASH_KEYBYTES_MAX bytes');
        if ($outputLength < ParagonIE_Sodium_Compat::CRYPTO_GENERICHASH_BYTES_MIN) {
            throw new SodiumException('Argument 3 must be at least CRYPTO_GENERICHASH_BYTES_MIN');
        if ($outputLength > ParagonIE_Sodium_Compat::CRYPTO_GENERICHASH_BYTES_MAX) {
            throw new SodiumException('Argument 3 must be at least CRYPTO_GENERICHASH_BYTES_MAX');

        /** @var int $size */
        $size = filesize($filePath);
        if (!is_int($size)) {
            throw new SodiumException('Could not obtain the file size');

        /** @var resource $fp */
        $fp = fopen($filePath, 'rb');
        if (!is_resource($fp)) {
            throw new SodiumException('Could not open input file for reading');
        $ctx = ParagonIE_Sodium_Compat::crypto_generichash_init($key, $outputLength);
        while ($size > 0) {
            $blockSize = $size > 64
                ? 64
                : $size;
            $read = fread($fp, $blockSize);
            if (!is_string($read)) {
                throw new SodiumException('Could not read input file');
            ParagonIE_Sodium_Compat::crypto_generichash_update($ctx, $read);
            $size -= $blockSize;

        return ParagonIE_Sodium_Compat::crypto_generichash_final($ctx, $outputLength);

     * Encrypt a file (rather than a string). Uses less memory than
     * ParagonIE_Sodium_Compat::crypto_secretbox(), but produces
     * the same result.
     * @param string $inputFile  Absolute path to a file on the filesystem
     * @param string $outputFile Absolute path to a file on the filesystem
     * @param string $nonce      Number to be used only once
     * @param string $key        Encryption key
     * @return bool
     * @throws SodiumException
     * @throws TypeError
    public static function secretbox(
    ) {
        /* Type checks: */
        if (!is_string($inputFile)) {
            throw new TypeError('Argument 1 must be a string, ' . gettype($inputFile) . ' given..');
        if (!is_string($outputFile)) {
            throw new TypeError('Argument 2 must be a string, ' . gettype($outputFile) . ' given.');
        if (!is_string($nonce)) {
            throw new TypeError('Argument 3 must be a string, ' . gettype($nonce) . ' given.');

        /* Input validation: */
        if (self::strlen($nonce) !== ParagonIE_Sodium_Compat::CRYPTO_SECRETBOX_NONCEBYTES) {
            throw new TypeError('Argument 3 must be CRYPTO_SECRETBOX_NONCEBYTES bytes');
        if (!is_string($key)) {
            throw new TypeError('Argument 4 must be a string, ' . gettype($key) . ' given.');
        if (self::strlen($key) !== ParagonIE_Sodium_Compat::CRYPTO_SECRETBOX_KEYBYTES) {
            throw new TypeError('Argument 4 must be CRYPTO_SECRETBOX_KEYBYTES bytes');

        /** @var int $size */
        $size = filesize($inputFile);
        if (!is_int($size)) {
            throw new SodiumException('Could not obtain the file size');

        /** @var resource $ifp */
        $ifp = fopen($inputFile, 'rb');
        if (!is_resource($ifp)) {
            throw new SodiumException('Could not open input file for reading');

        /** @var resource $ofp */
        $ofp = fopen($outputFile, 'wb');
        if (!is_resource($ofp)) {
            throw new SodiumException('Could not open output file for writing');

        $res = self::secretbox_encrypt($ifp, $ofp, $size, $nonce, $key);
        return $res;
     * Seal a file (rather than a string). Uses less memory than
     * ParagonIE_Sodium_Compat::crypto_secretbox_open(), but produces
     * the same result.
     * Warning: Does not protect against TOCTOU attacks. You should
     * just load the file into memory and use crypto_secretbox_open() if
     * you are worried about those.
     * @param string $inputFile
     * @param string $outputFile
     * @param string $nonce
     * @param string $key
     * @return bool
     * @throws SodiumException
     * @throws TypeError
    public static function secretbox_open(
    ) {
        /* Type checks: */
        if (!is_string($inputFile)) {
            throw new TypeError('Argument 1 must be a string, ' . gettype($inputFile) . ' given.');
        if (!is_string($outputFile)) {
            throw new TypeError('Argument 2 must be a string, ' . gettype($outputFile) . ' given.');
        if (!is_string($nonce)) {
            throw new TypeError('Argument 3 must be a string, ' . gettype($nonce) . ' given.');
        if (!is_string($key)) {
            throw new TypeError('Argument 4 must be a string, ' . gettype($key) . ' given.');

        /* Input validation: */
        if (self::strlen($nonce) !== ParagonIE_Sodium_Compat::CRYPTO_SECRETBOX_NONCEBYTES) {
            throw new TypeError('Argument 4 must be CRYPTO_SECRETBOX_NONCEBYTES bytes');
        if (self::strlen($key) !== ParagonIE_Sodium_Compat::CRYPTO_SECRETBOX_KEYBYTES) {
            throw new TypeError('Argument 4 must be CRYPTO_SECRETBOXBOX_KEYBYTES bytes');

        /** @var int $size */
        $size = filesize($inputFile);
        if (!is_int($size)) {
            throw new SodiumException('Could not obtain the file size');

        /** @var resource $ifp */
        $ifp = fopen($inputFile, 'rb');
        if (!is_resource($ifp)) {
            throw new SodiumException('Could not open input file for reading');

        /** @var resource $ofp */
        $ofp = fopen($outputFile, 'wb');
        if (!is_resource($ofp)) {
            throw new SodiumException('Could not open output file for writing');

        $res = self::secretbox_decrypt($ifp, $ofp, $size, $nonce, $key);
        try {
        } catch (SodiumException $ex) {
            /** @psalm-suppress PossiblyUndefinedVariable */
        return $res;

     * Sign a file (rather than a string). Uses less memory than
     * ParagonIE_Sodium_Compat::crypto_sign_detached(), but produces
     * the same result.
     * @param string $filePath  Absolute path to a file on the filesystem
     * @param string $secretKey Secret signing key
     * @return string           Ed25519 signature
     * @throws SodiumException
     * @throws TypeError
    public static function sign(
    ) {
        /* Type checks: */
        if (!is_string($filePath)) {
            throw new TypeError('Argument 1 must be a string, ' . gettype($filePath) . ' given.');
        if (!is_string($secretKey)) {
            throw new TypeError('Argument 2 must be a string, ' . gettype($secretKey) . ' given.');

        /* Input validation: */
        if (self::strlen($secretKey) !== ParagonIE_Sodium_Compat::CRYPTO_SIGN_SECRETKEYBYTES) {
            throw new TypeError('Argument 2 must be CRYPTO_SIGN_SECRETKEYBYTES bytes');
        if (PHP_INT_SIZE === 4) {
            return self::sign_core32($filePath, $secretKey);

        /** @var int $size */
        $size = filesize($filePath);
        if (!is_int($size)) {
            throw new SodiumException('Could not obtain the file size');

        /** @var resource $fp */
        $fp = fopen($filePath, 'rb');
        if (!is_resource($fp)) {
            throw new SodiumException('Could not open input file for reading');

        /** @var string $az */
        $az = hash('sha512', self::substr($secretKey, 0, 32), true);

        $az[0] = self::intToChr(self::chrToInt($az[0]) & 248);
        $az[31] = self::intToChr((self::chrToInt($az[31]) & 63) | 64);

        $hs = hash_init('sha512');
        self::hash_update($hs, self::substr($az, 32, 32));
        /** @var resource $hs */
        $hs = self::updateHashWithFile($hs, $fp, $size);

        /** @var string $nonceHash */
        $nonceHash = hash_final($hs, true);

        /** @var string $pk */
        $pk = self::substr($secretKey, 32, 32);

        /** @var string $nonce */
        $nonce = ParagonIE_Sodium_Core_Ed25519::sc_reduce($nonceHash) . self::substr($nonceHash, 32);

        /** @var string $sig */
        $sig = ParagonIE_Sodium_Core_Ed25519::ge_p3_tobytes(

        $hs = hash_init('sha512');
        self::hash_update($hs, self::substr($sig, 0, 32));
        self::hash_update($hs, self::substr($pk, 0, 32));
        /** @var resource $hs */
        $hs = self::updateHashWithFile($hs, $fp, $size);

        /** @var string $hramHash */
        $hramHash = hash_final($hs, true);

        /** @var string $hram */
        $hram = ParagonIE_Sodium_Core_Ed25519::sc_reduce($hramHash);

        /** @var string $sigAfter */
        $sigAfter = ParagonIE_Sodium_Core_Ed25519::sc_muladd($hram, $az, $nonce);

        /** @var string $sig */
        $sig = self::substr($sig, 0, 32) . self::substr($sigAfter, 0, 32);

        try {
        } catch (SodiumException $ex) {
            $az = null;
        return $sig;

     * Verify a file (rather than a string). Uses less memory than
     * ParagonIE_Sodium_Compat::crypto_sign_verify_detached(), but
     * produces the same result.
     * @param string $sig       Ed25519 signature
     * @param string $filePath  Absolute path to a file on the filesystem
     * @param string $publicKey Signing public key
     * @return bool
     * @throws SodiumException
     * @throws TypeError
     * @throws Exception
    public static function verify(
    ) {
        /* Type checks: */
        if (!is_string($sig)) {
            throw new TypeError('Argument 1 must be a string, ' . gettype($sig) . ' given.');
        if (!is_string($filePath)) {
            throw new TypeError('Argument 2 must be a string, ' . gettype($filePath) . ' given.');
        if (!is_string($publicKey)) {
            throw new TypeError('Argument 3 must be a string, ' . gettype($publicKey) . ' given.');

        /* Input validation: */
        if (self::strlen($sig) !== ParagonIE_Sodium_Compat::CRYPTO_SIGN_BYTES) {
            throw new TypeError('Argument 1 must be CRYPTO_SIGN_BYTES bytes');
        if (self::strlen($publicKey) !== ParagonIE_Sodium_Compat::CRYPTO_SIGN_PUBLICKEYBYTES) {
            throw new TypeError('Argument 3 must be CRYPTO_SIGN_PUBLICKEYBYTES bytes');
        if (self::strlen($sig) < 64) {
            throw new SodiumException('Signature is too short');

        if (PHP_INT_SIZE === 4) {
            return self::verify_core32($sig, $filePath, $publicKey);

        /* Security checks */
        if (
            (ParagonIE_Sodium_Core_Ed25519::chrToInt($sig[63]) & 240)
            ParagonIE_Sodium_Core_Ed25519::check_S_lt_L(self::substr($sig, 32, 32))
        ) {
            throw new SodiumException('S < L - Invalid signature');
        if (ParagonIE_Sodium_Core_Ed25519::small_order($sig)) {
            throw new SodiumException('Signature is on too small of an order');
        if ((self::chrToInt($sig[63]) & 224) !== 0) {
            throw new SodiumException('Invalid signature');
        $d = 0;
        for ($i = 0; $i < 32; ++$i) {
            $d |= self::chrToInt($publicKey[$i]);
        if ($d === 0) {
            throw new SodiumException('All zero public key');

        /** @var int $size */
        $size = filesize($filePath);
        if (!is_int($size)) {
            throw new SodiumException('Could not obtain the file size');

        /** @var resource $fp */
        $fp = fopen($filePath, 'rb');
        if (!is_resource($fp)) {
            throw new SodiumException('Could not open input file for reading');

        /** @var bool The original value of ParagonIE_Sodium_Compat::$fastMult */
        $orig = ParagonIE_Sodium_Compat::$fastMult;

        // Set ParagonIE_Sodium_Compat::$fastMult to true to speed up verification.
        ParagonIE_Sodium_Compat::$fastMult = true;

        /** @var ParagonIE_Sodium_Core_Curve25519_Ge_P3 $A */
        $A = ParagonIE_Sodium_Core_Ed25519::ge_frombytes_negate_vartime($publicKey);

        $hs = hash_init('sha512');
        self::hash_update($hs, self::substr($sig, 0, 32));
        self::hash_update($hs, self::substr($publicKey, 0, 32));
        /** @var resource $hs */
        $hs = self::updateHashWithFile($hs, $fp, $size);
        /** @var string $hDigest */
        $hDigest = hash_final($hs, true);

        /** @var string $h */
        $h = ParagonIE_Sodium_Core_Ed25519::sc_reduce($hDigest) . self::substr($hDigest, 32);

        /** @var ParagonIE_Sodium_Core_Curve25519_Ge_P2 $R */
        $R = ParagonIE_Sodium_Core_Ed25519::ge_double_scalarmult_vartime(
            self::substr($sig, 32)

        /** @var string $rcheck */
        $rcheck = ParagonIE_Sodium_Core_Ed25519::ge_tobytes($R);

        // Close the file handle

        // Reset ParagonIE_Sodium_Compat::$fastMult to what it was before.
        ParagonIE_Sodium_Compat::$fastMult = $orig;
        return self::verify_32($rcheck, self::substr($sig, 0, 32));

     * @param resource $ifp
     * @param resource $ofp
     * @param int      $mlen
     * @param string   $nonce
     * @param string   $boxKeypair
     * @return bool
     * @throws SodiumException
     * @throws TypeError
    protected static function box_encrypt($ifp, $ofp, $mlen, $nonce, $boxKeypair)
        if (PHP_INT_SIZE === 4) {
            return self::secretbox_encrypt(
        return self::secretbox_encrypt(

     * @param resource $ifp
     * @param resource $ofp
     * @param int      $mlen
     * @param string   $nonce
     * @param string   $boxKeypair
     * @return bool
     * @throws SodiumException
     * @throws TypeError
    protected static function box_decrypt($ifp, $ofp, $mlen, $nonce, $boxKeypair)
        if (PHP_INT_SIZE === 4) {
            return self::secretbox_decrypt(
        return self::secretbox_decrypt(

     * Encrypt a file
     * @param resource $ifp
     * @param resource $ofp
     * @param int $mlen
     * @param string $nonce
     * @param string $key
     * @return bool
     * @throws SodiumException
     * @throws TypeError
    protected static function secretbox_encrypt($ifp, $ofp, $mlen, $nonce, $key)
        if (PHP_INT_SIZE === 4) {
            return self::secretbox_encrypt_core32($ifp, $ofp, $mlen, $nonce, $key);

        $plaintext = fread($ifp, 32);
        if (!is_string($plaintext)) {
            throw new SodiumException('Could not read input file');
        $first32 = self::ftell($ifp);

        /** @var string $subkey */
        $subkey = ParagonIE_Sodium_Core_HSalsa20::hsalsa20($nonce, $key);

        /** @var string $realNonce */
        $realNonce = ParagonIE_Sodium_Core_Util::substr($nonce, 16, 8);

        /** @var string $block0 */
        $block0 = str_repeat("\x00", 32);

        /** @var int $mlen - Length of the plaintext message */
        $mlen0 = $mlen;
        if ($mlen0 > 64 - ParagonIE_Sodium_Crypto::secretbox_xsalsa20poly1305_ZEROBYTES) {
            $mlen0 = 64 - ParagonIE_Sodium_Crypto::secretbox_xsalsa20poly1305_ZEROBYTES;
        $block0 .= ParagonIE_Sodium_Core_Util::substr($plaintext, 0, $mlen0);

        /** @var string $block0 */
        $block0 = ParagonIE_Sodium_Core_Salsa20::salsa20_xor(

        $state = new ParagonIE_Sodium_Core_Poly1305_State(

        // Pre-write 16 blank bytes for the Poly1305 tag
        $start = self::ftell($ofp);
        fwrite($ofp, str_repeat("\x00", 16));

        /** @var string $c */
        $cBlock = ParagonIE_Sodium_Core_Util::substr(
        fwrite($ofp, $cBlock);
        $mlen -= 32;

        /** @var int $iter */
        $iter = 1;

        /** @var int $incr */
        $incr = self::BUFFER_SIZE >> 6;

         * Set the cursor to the end of the first half-block. All future bytes will
         * generated from salsa20_xor_ic, starting from 1 (second block).
        fseek($ifp, $first32, SEEK_SET);

        while ($mlen > 0) {
            $blockSize = $mlen > self::BUFFER_SIZE
                ? self::BUFFER_SIZE
                : $mlen;
            $plaintext = fread($ifp, $blockSize);
            if (!is_string($plaintext)) {
                throw new SodiumException('Could not read input file');
            $cBlock = ParagonIE_Sodium_Core_Salsa20::salsa20_xor_ic(
            fwrite($ofp, $cBlock, $blockSize);

            $mlen -= $blockSize;
            $iter += $incr;
        try {
        } catch (SodiumException $ex) {
            $block0 = null;
            $subkey = null;
        $end = self::ftell($ofp);

         * Write the Poly1305 authentication tag that provides integrity
         * over the ciphertext (encrypt-then-MAC)
        fseek($ofp, $start, SEEK_SET);
        fwrite($ofp, $state->finish(), ParagonIE_Sodium_Compat::CRYPTO_SECRETBOX_MACBYTES);
        fseek($ofp, $end, SEEK_SET);

        return true;

     * Decrypt a file
     * @param resource $ifp
     * @param resource $ofp
     * @param int $mlen
     * @param string $nonce
     * @param string $key
     * @return bool
     * @throws SodiumException
     * @throws TypeError
    protected static function secretbox_decrypt($ifp, $ofp, $mlen, $nonce, $key)
        if (PHP_INT_SIZE === 4) {
            return self::secretbox_decrypt_core32($ifp, $ofp, $mlen, $nonce, $key);
        $tag = fread($ifp, 16);
        if (!is_string($tag)) {
            throw new SodiumException('Could not read input file');

        /** @var string $subkey */
        $subkey = ParagonIE_Sodium_Core_HSalsa20::hsalsa20($nonce, $key);

        /** @var string $realNonce */
        $realNonce = ParagonIE_Sodium_Core_Util::substr($nonce, 16, 8);

        /** @var string $block0 */
        $block0 = ParagonIE_Sodium_Core_Salsa20::salsa20(
            ParagonIE_Sodium_Core_Util::substr($nonce, 16, 8),

        /* Verify the Poly1305 MAC -before- attempting to decrypt! */
        $state = new ParagonIE_Sodium_Core_Poly1305_State(self::substr($block0, 0, 32));
        if (!self::onetimeauth_verify($state, $ifp, $tag, $mlen)) {
            throw new SodiumException('Invalid MAC');

         * Set the cursor to the end of the first half-block. All future bytes will
         * generated from salsa20_xor_ic, starting from 1 (second block).
        $first32 = fread($ifp, 32);
        if (!is_string($first32)) {
            throw new SodiumException('Could not read input file');
        $first32len = self::strlen($first32);
                self::substr($block0, 32, $first32len),
                self::substr($first32, 0, $first32len)
        $mlen -= 32;

        /** @var int $iter */
        $iter = 1;

        /** @var int $incr */
        $incr = self::BUFFER_SIZE >> 6;

        /* Decrypts ciphertext, writes to output file. */
        while ($mlen > 0) {
            $blockSize = $mlen > self::BUFFER_SIZE
                ? self::BUFFER_SIZE
                : $mlen;
            $ciphertext = fread($ifp, $blockSize);
            if (!is_string($ciphertext)) {
                throw new SodiumException('Could not read input file');
            $pBlock = ParagonIE_Sodium_Core_Salsa20::salsa20_xor_ic(
            fwrite($ofp, $pBlock, $blockSize);
            $mlen -= $blockSize;
            $iter += $incr;
        return true;

     * @param ParagonIE_Sodium_Core_Poly1305_State $state
     * @param resource $ifp
     * @param string $tag
     * @param int $mlen
     * @return bool
     * @throws SodiumException
     * @throws TypeError
    protected static function onetimeauth_verify(
        ParagonIE_Sodium_Core_Poly1305_State $state,
        $tag = '',
        $mlen = 0
    ) {
        /** @var int $pos */
        $pos = self::ftell($ifp);

        /** @var int $iter */
        $iter = 1;

        /** @var int $incr */
        $incr = self::BUFFER_SIZE >> 6;

        while ($mlen > 0) {
            $blockSize = $mlen > self::BUFFER_SIZE
                ? self::BUFFER_SIZE
                : $mlen;
            $ciphertext = fread($ifp, $blockSize);
            if (!is_string($ciphertext)) {
                throw new SodiumException('Could not read input file');
            $mlen -= $blockSize;
            $iter += $incr;
        $res = ParagonIE_Sodium_Core_Util::verify_16($tag, $state->finish());

        fseek($ifp, $pos, SEEK_SET);
        return $res;

     * Update a hash context with the contents of a file, without
     * loading the entire file into memory.
     * @param resource|HashContext $hash
     * @param resource $fp
     * @param int $size
     * @return resource|object Resource on PHP < 7.2, HashContext object on PHP >= 7.2
     * @throws SodiumException
     * @throws TypeError
     * @psalm-suppress PossiblyInvalidArgument
     *                 PHP 7.2 changes from a resource to an object,
     *                 which causes Psalm to complain about an error.
     * @psalm-suppress TypeCoercion
     *                 Ditto.
    public static function updateHashWithFile($hash, $fp, $size = 0)
        /* Type checks: */
        if (PHP_VERSION_ID < 70200) {
            if (!is_resource($hash)) {
                throw new TypeError('Argument 1 must be a resource, ' . gettype($hash) . ' given.');
        } else {
            if (!is_object($hash)) {
                throw new TypeError('Argument 1 must be an object (PHP 7.2+), ' . gettype($hash) . ' given.');

        if (!is_resource($fp)) {
            throw new TypeError('Argument 2 must be a resource, ' . gettype($fp) . ' given.');
        if (!is_int($size)) {
            throw new TypeError('Argument 3 must be an integer, ' . gettype($size) . ' given.');

        /** @var int $originalPosition */
        $originalPosition = self::ftell($fp);

        // Move file pointer to beginning of file
        fseek($fp, 0, SEEK_SET);
        for ($i = 0; $i < $size; $i += self::BUFFER_SIZE) {
            /** @var string|bool $message */
            $message = fread(
                ($size - $i) > self::BUFFER_SIZE
                    ? $size - $i
                    : self::BUFFER_SIZE
            if (!is_string($message)) {
                throw new SodiumException('Unexpected error reading from file.');
            /** @var string $message */
            /** @psalm-suppress InvalidArgument */
            self::hash_update($hash, $message);
        // Reset file pointer's position
        fseek($fp, $originalPosition, SEEK_SET);
        return $hash;

     * Sign a file (rather than a string). Uses less memory than
     * ParagonIE_Sodium_Compat::crypto_sign_detached(), but produces
     * the same result. (32-bit)
     * @param string $filePath  Absolute path to a file on the filesystem
     * @param string $secretKey Secret signing key
     * @return string           Ed25519 signature
     * @throws SodiumException
     * @throws TypeError
    private static function sign_core32($filePath, $secretKey)
        $size = filesize($filePath);
        if (!is_int($size)) {
            throw new SodiumException('Could not obtain the file size');

        $fp = fopen($filePath, 'rb');
        if (!is_resource($fp)) {
            throw new SodiumException('Could not open input file for reading');

        /** @var string $az */
        $az = hash('sha512', self::substr($secretKey, 0, 32), true);

        $az[0] = self::intToChr(self::chrToInt($az[0]) & 248);
        $az[31] = self::intToChr((self::chrToInt($az[31]) & 63) | 64);

        $hs = hash_init('sha512');
        self::hash_update($hs, self::substr($az, 32, 32));
        /** @var resource $hs */
        $hs = self::updateHashWithFile($hs, $fp, $size);

        $nonceHash = hash_final($hs, true);
        $pk = self::substr($secretKey, 32, 32);
        $nonce = ParagonIE_Sodium_Core32_Ed25519::sc_reduce($nonceHash) . self::substr($nonceHash, 32);
        $sig = ParagonIE_Sodium_Core32_Ed25519::ge_p3_tobytes(

        $hs = hash_init('sha512');
        self::hash_update($hs, self::substr($sig, 0, 32));
        self::hash_update($hs, self::substr($pk, 0, 32));
        /** @var resource $hs */
        $hs = self::updateHashWithFile($hs, $fp, $size);

        $hramHash = hash_final($hs, true);

        $hram = ParagonIE_Sodium_Core32_Ed25519::sc_reduce($hramHash);

        $sigAfter = ParagonIE_Sodium_Core32_Ed25519::sc_muladd($hram, $az, $nonce);

        /** @var string $sig */
        $sig = self::substr($sig, 0, 32) . self::substr($sigAfter, 0, 32);

        try {
        } catch (SodiumException $ex) {
            $az = null;
        return $sig;

     * Verify a file (rather than a string). Uses less memory than
     * ParagonIE_Sodium_Compat::crypto_sign_verify_detached(), but
     * produces the same result. (32-bit)
     * @param string $sig       Ed25519 signature
     * @param string $filePath  Absolute path to a file on the filesystem
     * @param string $publicKey Signing public key
     * @return bool
     * @throws SodiumException
     * @throws Exception
    public static function verify_core32($sig, $filePath, $publicKey)
        /* Security checks */
        if (ParagonIE_Sodium_Core32_Ed25519::check_S_lt_L(self::substr($sig, 32, 32))) {
            throw new SodiumException('S < L - Invalid signature');
        if (ParagonIE_Sodium_Core32_Ed25519::small_order($sig)) {
            throw new SodiumException('Signature is on too small of an order');

        if ((self::chrToInt($sig[63]) & 224) !== 0) {
            throw new SodiumException('Invalid signature');
        $d = 0;
        for ($i = 0; $i < 32; ++$i) {
            $d |= self::chrToInt($publicKey[$i]);
        if ($d === 0) {
            throw new SodiumException('All zero public key');

        /** @var int|bool $size */
        $size = filesize($filePath);
        if (!is_int($size)) {
            throw new SodiumException('Could not obtain the file size');
        /** @var int $size */

        /** @var resource|bool $fp */
        $fp = fopen($filePath, 'rb');
        if (!is_resource($fp)) {
            throw new SodiumException('Could not open input file for reading');
        /** @var resource $fp */

        /** @var bool The original value of ParagonIE_Sodium_Compat::$fastMult */
        $orig = ParagonIE_Sodium_Compat::$fastMult;

        // Set ParagonIE_Sodium_Compat::$fastMult to true to speed up verification.
        ParagonIE_Sodium_Compat::$fastMult = true;

        /** @var ParagonIE_Sodium_Core32_Curve25519_Ge_P3 $A */
        $A = ParagonIE_Sodium_Core32_Ed25519::ge_frombytes_negate_vartime($publicKey);

        $hs = hash_init('sha512');
        self::hash_update($hs, self::substr($sig, 0, 32));
        self::hash_update($hs, self::substr($publicKey, 0, 32));
        /** @var resource $hs */
        $hs = self::updateHashWithFile($hs, $fp, $size);
        /** @var string $hDigest */
        $hDigest = hash_final($hs, true);

        /** @var string $h */
        $h = ParagonIE_Sodium_Core32_Ed25519::sc_reduce($hDigest) . self::substr($hDigest, 32);

        /** @var ParagonIE_Sodium_Core32_Curve25519_Ge_P2 $R */
        $R = ParagonIE_Sodium_Core32_Ed25519::ge_double_scalarmult_vartime(
            self::substr($sig, 32)

        /** @var string $rcheck */
        $rcheck = ParagonIE_Sodium_Core32_Ed25519::ge_tobytes($R);

        // Close the file handle

        // Reset ParagonIE_Sodium_Compat::$fastMult to what it was before.
        ParagonIE_Sodium_Compat::$fastMult = $orig;
        return self::verify_32($rcheck, self::substr($sig, 0, 32));

     * Encrypt a file (32-bit)
     * @param resource $ifp
     * @param resource $ofp
     * @param int $mlen
     * @param string $nonce
     * @param string $key
     * @return bool
     * @throws SodiumException
     * @throws TypeError
    protected static function secretbox_encrypt_core32($ifp, $ofp, $mlen, $nonce, $key)
        $plaintext = fread($ifp, 32);
        if (!is_string($plaintext)) {
            throw new SodiumException('Could not read input file');
        $first32 = self::ftell($ifp);

        /** @var string $subkey */
        $subkey = ParagonIE_Sodium_Core32_HSalsa20::hsalsa20($nonce, $key);

        /** @var string $realNonce */
        $realNonce = ParagonIE_Sodium_Core32_Util::substr($nonce, 16, 8);

        /** @var string $block0 */
        $block0 = str_repeat("\x00", 32);

        /** @var int $mlen - Length of the plaintext message */
        $mlen0 = $mlen;
        if ($mlen0 > 64 - ParagonIE_Sodium_Crypto::secretbox_xsalsa20poly1305_ZEROBYTES) {
            $mlen0 = 64 - ParagonIE_Sodium_Crypto::secretbox_xsalsa20poly1305_ZEROBYTES;
        $block0 .= ParagonIE_Sodium_Core32_Util::substr($plaintext, 0, $mlen0);

        /** @var string $block0 */
        $block0 = ParagonIE_Sodium_Core32_Salsa20::salsa20_xor(

        $state = new ParagonIE_Sodium_Core32_Poly1305_State(

        // Pre-write 16 blank bytes for the Poly1305 tag
        $start = self::ftell($ofp);
        fwrite($ofp, str_repeat("\x00", 16));

        /** @var string $c */
        $cBlock = ParagonIE_Sodium_Core32_Util::substr(
        fwrite($ofp, $cBlock);
        $mlen -= 32;

        /** @var int $iter */
        $iter = 1;

        /** @var int $incr */
        $incr = self::BUFFER_SIZE >> 6;

         * Set the cursor to the end of the first half-block. All future bytes will
         * generated from salsa20_xor_ic, starting from 1 (second block).
        fseek($ifp, $first32, SEEK_SET);

        while ($mlen > 0) {
            $blockSize = $mlen > self::BUFFER_SIZE
                ? self::BUFFER_SIZE
                : $mlen;
            $plaintext = fread($ifp, $blockSize);
            if (!is_string($plaintext)) {
                throw new SodiumException('Could not read input file');
            $cBlock = ParagonIE_Sodium_Core32_Salsa20::salsa20_xor_ic(
            fwrite($ofp, $cBlock, $blockSize);

            $mlen -= $blockSize;
            $iter += $incr;
        try {
        } catch (SodiumException $ex) {
            $block0 = null;
            $subkey = null;
        $end = self::ftell($ofp);

         * Write the Poly1305 authentication tag that provides integrity
         * over the ciphertext (encrypt-then-MAC)
        fseek($ofp, $start, SEEK_SET);
        fwrite($ofp, $state->finish(), ParagonIE_Sodium_Compat::CRYPTO_SECRETBOX_MACBYTES);
        fseek($ofp, $end, SEEK_SET);

        return true;

     * Decrypt a file (32-bit)
     * @param resource $ifp
     * @param resource $ofp
     * @param int $mlen
     * @param string $nonce
     * @param string $key
     * @return bool
     * @throws SodiumException
     * @throws TypeError
    protected static function secretbox_decrypt_core32($ifp, $ofp, $mlen, $nonce, $key)
        $tag = fread($ifp, 16);
        if (!is_string($tag)) {
            throw new SodiumException('Could not read input file');

        /** @var string $subkey */
        $subkey = ParagonIE_Sodium_Core32_HSalsa20::hsalsa20($nonce, $key);

        /** @var string $realNonce */
        $realNonce = ParagonIE_Sodium_Core32_Util::substr($nonce, 16, 8);

        /** @var string $block0 */
        $block0 = ParagonIE_Sodium_Core32_Salsa20::salsa20(
            ParagonIE_Sodium_Core32_Util::substr($nonce, 16, 8),

        /* Verify the Poly1305 MAC -before- attempting to decrypt! */
        $state = new ParagonIE_Sodium_Core32_Poly1305_State(self::substr($block0, 0, 32));
        if (!self::onetimeauth_verify_core32($state, $ifp, $tag, $mlen)) {
            throw new SodiumException('Invalid MAC');

         * Set the cursor to the end of the first half-block. All future bytes will
         * generated from salsa20_xor_ic, starting from 1 (second block).
        $first32 = fread($ifp, 32);
        if (!is_string($first32)) {
            throw new SodiumException('Could not read input file');
        $first32len = self::strlen($first32);
                self::substr($block0, 32, $first32len),
                self::substr($first32, 0, $first32len)
        $mlen -= 32;

        /** @var int $iter */
        $iter = 1;

        /** @var int $incr */
        $incr = self::BUFFER_SIZE >> 6;

        /* Decrypts ciphertext, writes to output file. */
        while ($mlen > 0) {
            $blockSize = $mlen > self::BUFFER_SIZE
                ? self::BUFFER_SIZE
                : $mlen;
            $ciphertext = fread($ifp, $blockSize);
            if (!is_string($ciphertext)) {
                throw new SodiumException('Could not read input file');
            $pBlock = ParagonIE_Sodium_Core32_Salsa20::salsa20_xor_ic(
            fwrite($ofp, $pBlock, $blockSize);
            $mlen -= $blockSize;
            $iter += $incr;
        return true;

     * One-time message authentication for 32-bit systems
     * @param ParagonIE_Sodium_Core32_Poly1305_State $state
     * @param resource $ifp
     * @param string $tag
     * @param int $mlen
     * @return bool
     * @throws SodiumException
     * @throws TypeError
    protected static function onetimeauth_verify_core32(
        ParagonIE_Sodium_Core32_Poly1305_State $state,
        $tag = '',
        $mlen = 0
    ) {
        /** @var int $pos */
        $pos = self::ftell($ifp);

        while ($mlen > 0) {
            $blockSize = $mlen > self::BUFFER_SIZE
                ? self::BUFFER_SIZE
                : $mlen;
            $ciphertext = fread($ifp, $blockSize);
            if (!is_string($ciphertext)) {
                throw new SodiumException('Could not read input file');
            $mlen -= $blockSize;
        $res = ParagonIE_Sodium_Core32_Util::verify_16($tag, $state->finish());

        fseek($ifp, $pos, SEEK_SET);
        return $res;

     * @param resource $resource
     * @return int
     * @throws SodiumException
    private static function ftell($resource)
        $return = ftell($resource);
        if (!is_int($return)) {
            throw new SodiumException('ftell() returned false');
        return (int) $return;


Name Type Size Permission Actions
Core Folder 0755
Core32 Folder 0755
PHP52 Folder 0755
Compat.php File 160.24 KB 0644
Crypto.php File 53.53 KB 0644
Crypto32.php File 53.83 KB 0644
File.php File 52.31 KB 0644
SodiumException.php File 158 B 0644